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发表于 2021-9-13 04:34:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  discuss the important of commercial activity to a country and its people
  Commercial activity propels the advancement of human material and spiritual civilization. In retrospect of human history, the rises of powers, particularly Britain and United states, etc, should attribute eventually to prosperity of Commercial. Because commercial activities enhance the communication of products, redistribution of resources, optimize the social structure, exploit the underlying energy of one nation!
  As we all know, 1978 witness the threshold of reform and open police of China, new epoch of Chinese rejuvenate, we established economic special areas, founded stock exchange, implement steadfastly the guide line of enlarging international trade, obtain the membership of WTO and so on , all of the endeavors are to widen and deepen commercial activities. On condition of these positive and efficient stratagems, our nation achieved admirable development, majority of population has shaken off poverty and run towards comfortable lives.
  The importance of commercial activity to a country and its people is doubtless, moreover, it has crucial influence on the future of every country and its citizen!

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