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选择职业-Choosing career

发表于 2021-9-13 04:34:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Choosing career
  The career you choose will affect the future course(历程) of your life, such as your range(类别) of friend, your choice of husband or wife, your recreational(消遣) activities, and other important aspects.
  To make a wise decision, you must firstly have a clear knowledge of your abilities, interests and aims. Then try to find out the kind of occupation in which you can find success and satisfaction. Secondly, you have to weigh carefully the immediate(直接的) advantages against the long-term prospect(前途/希望) offered by the job you are considering. Be sure to ask your parents, teachers, and career advisers for useful suggestion and try to take full advantage of your personal qualities and qualifications(资格).
  In order to have a clear idea about the work that suits you the best, you should make a through study of jobs available. Obtain written materials or other such information as much as possible, and examine them from every angle before you make the final decision.

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