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发表于 2021-3-11 02:57:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)英语周报2020-2021学年上学期九年级新目标第25期答案第1版Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)In FocusYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)1. Around 3.15 pounds / 1.43 kg.Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)2. Yes, there is.Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)3. By the end of this year.Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Speed ReadingYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)1-3 TFTYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)第2版Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Zhongkao ExpressYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)A) 11-15 BCABB 16-20 CBACBYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)B) 61-65 BDDCBYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)C) 51-55 BCACBYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)


Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)第3—4版期末综合能力评估试题Ⅰ答案Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅰ. 1-5 BBCCA Ⅱ. 6-10 CCAABYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅲ. 11-15 ACABC Ⅳ. 16-20 ABCBBYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅴ. 21-25 DCDBA 26-30 CBABD 31-35 CBCDAYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅵ. 36-40 BCCAC 41-45 BACDBYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅶ. 46-50 GDFACYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅷ. 51-55 DABDB 56-60 ADCBC 61-65 BDCDBYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)66. The discovery of oil. 67. The United States.Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)68. By about 30 percent. 69. Two.Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)70. Work together closely.Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅸ. 71. exactly 72. educated 73. speed 74. remainedYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)75. pulledYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅹ. 76. will make an effort 77. has been dead forYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)78. to take part in 79. prefers riding; to takingYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)80. was thankful to herYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅺ. 81. behind 82. traveled 83. journeysYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)84. to stop 85. my 86. continued 87. youngYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)88. directly 89. age 90. amazingYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅻ. One possible version:Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Dear Grace,Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Good to hear from you!Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Everyone makes mistakes and I think it is a natural part of learning. Never be afraid of it.Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)It's a good thing to make mistakes. First of all, it means that you're trying new things. It's always good to do so because that shows you're growing. Secondly, you're making progress by making mistakes. It is a good chance for you to learn more. As is known to all, we can learn from our own mistakes. I have a great way of treating mistakes. Every time I make a mistake, I always think, “That's great! There's one less mistake I will make in the future.” Face mistakes bravely and success will be just waiting for you.Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)I hope my advice can help you.Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Yours,Ycm师哈哈(biiyy.com)Li HuaYcm师哈哈(biiyy.com)

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