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发表于 2021-3-11 02:57:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)英语周报2020-2021学年上学期九年级新目标第26期答案第1版Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)In FocusFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)1. Three.Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)2. A laser system.Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)3. How to work together as a team and trust each other.Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)Speed ReadingFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)1. No, she didn't. 2. 答案略。Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)第2版Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)Zhongkao ExpressFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)51-55 CCAACFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)


Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)第3—4版期末综合能力评估试题Ⅱ参考答案Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅰ. 1-5 CBACA Ⅱ. 6-10 BBCCAFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅲ. 11-15 BABCBFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅳ. 16. streets 17. quickestFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)18. test / examination / exam 19. 4Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)20. mapsFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅴ. 21-25 DBACC 26-30 BABDDFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)31-35 CACDBFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅵ. 36-40 BADCA 41-45 BCDADFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅶ. 46-50 DECAGFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅷ. 51-55 BCCBC 56-60 BCABCFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)61-65 DCBDC 66-70 CBAEDFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅸ. 71. valued 72. laid 73. double 74. oversleptFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)75. energyFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅹ. 76. make his own decisionFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)77. The more; the moreFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)78. No matter how hardFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)79. Can you look up / find outFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)80. was supposed to arriveFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅺ. 81. reading 82. for 83. meaning 84. beganFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)85. perfect 86. to attend 87. competitionFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)88. performed 89. also 90. possibleFj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅻ. One possible version:Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)Good morning, everyone! I think the saying “No pains, no gains.” means we can't get anywhere in life if we don't work hard.Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)As is known to all, scientists make progress only after years of careful research. We students get good scores after months of hard work. Take me for example. I have improved my physics by putting in lots of effort. At school, I listened to the teacher carefully and took down lots of notes in class. And when I had questions, I asked my physics teacher or my classmates for help. After school, I finished my physics homework as soon as I got home. Also, I did lots of physics exercises. Day by day, I was making progress in physics and now I'm one of the top physics students in my class.Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)In short, no pains, no gains. We will achieve success as long as we work hard.Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)That's all. Thanks for listening.Fj3师哈哈(biiyy.com)

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