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发表于 2021-2-25 04:19:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
another[e5nqte] adj. 1.再一个,另一个:would you like another drink? 要再来一杯吗?/ don’t lose heart. have another try. 别灰心,再试一次。2.别的,不同的:we can do it another time. 我们可以下次做。pron.另一个人(物):please give me another. 请另外给我一个。/ then another rose to speak. 接着另外一个人又起来发言。■1.one after another 一个接一个地,相继地:one after another all his plans havefailed. 他的计划都一一失败了。2. one another 互相,彼此:students should help one another. 学生应该互相帮助。
【说明】1.another 泛指多个中的“另外一个”,若特指两个当中的另一个,则用the other:please close the other eye. 请把另一只眼睛也闭上。2.后接名词时,通常应是单数,若修饰复数名词,则复数名词前应有数词或few等修饰:another three questions 另外3个问题 / another few days 另外几天 3.有人认为 one another只用于三者或三者以上,each other只用于两者,但在现代英语中,两者常可换用。
answer[5b:nse] n.[c]1.回答,回信:have you had an answer to your letter? 你那封信有回音了没有?2.(以行动)回应:i rang the bell but there was no answer. 我按了门铃,但没有人来开门。3.答案,解决办法:what was the answer to question 4? 第4个问题的答案是什么? v. 1.回答,回信:i asked her the time but she didn’t answer. 我问她时间,可是她没回答。2.以行动回应:she answered with a smile. 她报以一笑。/ i telephoned this morning, but nobody answered. 今天上午我打过电话,但是没有人接。3.满足于:this tool will answer our needs. 这工具能满足我们的需要。■1.answer for 对…负责,保证,代表:i will answer for it (him). 我愿对它(他)负责。2. in answer to 作为对…的回答(回应):in answer to his question, she shook her head. 对于他的问题,她以摇头作答。
【辨析】answer与reply:两者均可表示“回答”,但 answer 属常用词,多用于一般性应答,而 reply 则较正式,多指经过考虑而作出答复,若不细分,两者可换用。但是,answer 可自由地用作及物或不及物动词,而 reply 除后接 that 从句或引出直接引语是及物动词外,一般只用作不及物动词,其后若接名词或代词作宾语,应借助介词 to:answer [reply to] a question 回答问题
ant[ant] n. [c]蚂蚁:an army of ants 一群蚂蚁
antarctic[an5tb:ktik] adj.南极的:an antarctic expedition 南极探险 / the antarctic circle 南极圈 / the antarctic南极,南极地区
【说明】antarctic是形容词,但the antarctic为名词,指“南极”、“南极地区”。比较:arctic 北极的,the artic 北极,北极地区。
antarctica[ant5b:ktike] n.南极洲(=antarctic continent)
antique[an5ti:k] n.[c]古董,古玩:an antique shop 古玩店 / they were collectors of antiques. 他们是古董收藏家。

anxiety[an5zaieti] n. 1. [u,c]挂虑,忧虑:i felt anxiety about [for] his safety. 我很担心他的安全。2.渴望:the teacher praised herfor her anxiety for knowledge. 老师称赞她求知欲强。共3页,当前第1页123
  • 2021高考英语必考词汇归纳4
    anxious[5ankfes] adj. 1.忧虑的,焦急的:we are anxious about his safety. 我们为他的安全而忧虑。/ for a few anxious moments wethought we’d missed the train. 我们以为错过了火车,担心了一会儿。2.渴望的: he is anxious to study at that university. 他渴望到那所大学上学。
    【辨析】anxious与eager:两者均可表示“渴望的”,意思比较相近,有时可互换;但表示“担心的”、“焦虑的”时,只能用 anxious:we’re anxious about [for] her health. 我们担心她的健康。
    any[5eni] adj.1.(用于否定句、疑问句或条件句)一些,任何:are there any letters for me? 有我的信吗? / he worked hard but without any success. 他做了努力,但没有成功。2.任何(一个):any child would know that. 任何孩子都知道这事。pron. 1. (用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中)一些,任何:is there any left? 还有剩的吗? / there won’t be any trouble. 不会有麻烦。 2.任何一个:take any you like. 你喜欢哪个就拿哪个。adv.完全,任何程度:do you feel any better today? 你今天感觉好点儿了吗? / the children didn’t behave any too well. 孩子们的表现并未见好。
    【说明】1.表示“任何”,指三者或三者以上当中的任何一个,不能指两者中的任意一个,指两者中的任意一个,要用either,因此可说either of my parents,但不说 any of my parents。2.按英语习惯,any 用于否定句时,应出现在否定词之后而不是之前,如可说 i haven’t anyfriends,但不能说 any friend didn’t help me。
    anybody[5eni7bcdi] pron.任何人,谁,无论谁(=anyone)
    anyhow[5enihau] adv.1.无论如何,不管怎样:the door won’t open anyhow. 这门无论用何种方法也打不开。/ anyhow, let’s try again. 不管怎样,我们再试一次吧。2.随便地,胡乱地:he left his books and papers anyhow. 他的书籍和报纸放得很乱。
    【说明】表示“无论如何”、“不管怎样”时,可与 anyway 互换。
    anyone [5eniwqn] pron. 1.(用于疑问句、否定句或条件从句中)任何人,谁:has anyone seen my pen? 有谁看见我的钢笔了吗?/ i won’t tell anyone what happened. 发生的事我谁也不告诉。/ has anyone anything more to say? 还有谁有更多的话要说? 2.无论谁:anyone can cook—it’s easy. 烹饪很容易,谁都会。
    【说明】1.不要受汉语习惯的影响将“无论谁来都受欢迎”这类句子直译为anyone comes is welcome,正确的译文为anyone who comes is welcome。2.用于否定句时,必须要出现在否定词之后而不是之前,如不说 anyone didn’t go there. 要表达此意可说 no one went there(没有人去那儿)。3.其后通常不能接 of 短语,若语义上需要接这类短语,可用any one(分开写):i don’t know any one of these children. 这些孩子当中我一个也不认识。
    anything[5enipin] pron. 1.(用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中)什么事(物),任何事:did he say anything? 他说什么了吗?/ i can not do anything like that. 我不能做那样的事。2.任何事(物):we could talk about anything. 我们谈什么都可以。/ i’m very hungry — i’ll eat anything. 我饿极了,什么都能吃。■1.anything but 根本不,一点不,绝对不:he is anything but polite. 他一点不懂礼貌。/ he is anything but apoet. 他绝不是诗人。2.anything like 有些像:he isn’t anything like his father. 他一点也不像他父亲。共3页,当前第2页123
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    【说明】与否定词连用时,否定词应置于其前,而不是其后。如不能说 anything cannot prevent me from going. 可改用nothing can prevent me from going. 什么也不能阻挡我去。2.修饰anything的形容词应置于其后:has anything special happened? 发生什么特别的事情了吗?
    anyway[5eniwei] adv. 不管怎样(=anyhow)
    anywhere[5eniwze] adv. 1.(用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中)在(或往)什么地方,某个地方:did you go anywhere yesterday? 你昨天去没去过什么地方?/ if you want to go anywhere else, let me know. 你要到别的什么地方去,就告诉我一声。2.任何地方:you can sit anywhere you like. 你坐哪儿都行。/ put the box down anywhere. 把箱子放在哪儿都行。
    【说明】虽为副词,但有时可引导一个从句,相当于连词wherever,而有时可用作主语或宾语,相当于名词 any place:you can go anywhere you want. 你想去什么地方就去什么地方吧。/ “where should i put it?” “anywhere will do.” “我把它放什么地方?”“随便哪里都行。”
    apart[e5pb:t] adv. 1.分开,分离:he stood far apart from me. 他远离我站着。/ he and his wife are living apart. 他和他的妻子不住在一起。2.相距,相隔:i’m afraid our ideas are too far apart. 恐怕我们的意见相差太远。 /  new york and tokyo are thousands of miles apart. 纽约和东京相距数千英里。3.撇开,除去:consider a question apart from the others. 撇开其他问题而单独考虑某一问题。■apart from 除…外:apart from water there is sugar in apples. 苹果里除了水以外还有糖。
    apartment[e5pb:tment] n.[c]公寓,一套房间:an apartment on the fourth floor 四楼的一个套间 / i live in a three-room apartment. 我住在有3个房间的公寓里。
  • 2021高考英语必考词汇归纳4
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