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发表于 2021-2-8 16:30:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. On a sunny day, Small Bear goes boating with Papa. They go to buy hats first. Papa gets a small hat for his big head. Small Bear gets a big hat for his small head.
  2. Papa's hat is too small. Small Bear's hat is too big! They exchange hats. Just right!
  3. Next, they go to buy swimsuits. Papa gets a small suit. Small Bear gets a big suit.
  4. The small suit is too tight for Papa. The big suit is too loose for Small Bear! They exchange swimsuits. Just right!

  5. Now, they come to the boat. It has two seats. Papa sits on the small seat. Small Bear sits on the big seat.
  6. Papa Bear is too heavy. Small Bear is too light. They exchange seats. Just right!
  7. After boating, they go to have lunch nearby. Papa gets a small bowl. Small Bear gets a big bowl.
  8. The food in the small bowl is too little for Papa. And the food in the big bowl is too much for Small Bear. They exchange bowls. What a good meal!
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