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世界无烟日的英语作文700字:Harm of Smoking

发表于 2021-2-3 16:57:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  世界无烟日的英语作文700字:harm of smoking
  dear chairman,
  this letter may sound strange as a request, but i feel compelled to do so rather than call you. it is a complaint about those smoking colleagues who smoke in our meetings.
  i am not making a huge fuss about triviality, but most, if not all,of our women colleagues agree with me. smoking may add to some men's manly manners, but smoking among so many people is really a nuisance.
  the smokers themselves, however, seem not to care or know the harm they are doing to their health and our health. i do wish to stop them, but i am not the right man to do so, i am afraid.
  that is why i ask you for help. i speak on behalf of all nonsmokers who have not complained for their nice manners and their personal friendship for the smokers. but i do hope something is to be done about it.
  you don't have to answer me by words. all we expect is a cleaner and safer meeting room.
  thank you.
  yours fondly,
  so and so

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