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双语:为什么被耍的人是April Fish?

发表于 2021-2-2 17:45:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  有整人的人,自然也有被整的受害者啦。在英语中,愚人节里被耍的人叫做:april fish。这是种说法是怎么来的呢。
  in 1582 france became the first country to switch from the julian to the gregorian calendar. this meant that the beginning of the year was moved from the end of march to january 1. if someone failed to keep up with the change and continued to celebrate the new year between march 25th and april 1st, various jokes would be played on him. this story might explain why april 1st specifically became the date of the modern holiday.
  the french eventually adopted april 1 as a new celebration of these very events, and called it poisson d'avril meaning ''april fish'', a term that is used to this day. so why the term ''april fish''? because the new year once coincided with the sun leaving the zodiacal sign of pisces.
  在法语中,愚人节的说法是poisson d'avril,翻译成英语就是april fish。
  那为什么会是april fish呢?因为儒略历的新年曾经和太阳离开双鱼宫的日子正好吻合,所以,当时更新了新的纪年法却还在4月1日过新年的人,就被称作april fish啦。如今,法国人把愚人节叫做上钩的鱼。法国孩子会在朋友的背上贴一条鱼,以此来戏弄别人。当那个受骗上当的小朋友发现以后,开玩笑的人就大叫上钩的鱼儿!

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