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发表于 2021-2-2 16:05:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A whale is a huge animal it is full of treasure.
  The Japanese whaling often take a whale as one of the world's delicious. The Japanese whales catch is not to eat is to do things the number of whales now less and less don't whaling nations the Japanese whaling. The Japanese had captured 440 minke whales. Is anyway not to put the sell those poor minke whales to hotel. The Japanese whaling said again we are used to study. In fact the Japanese whale meat to the restaurant and hotel just want to get rich. The Japanese would really lie. I really hate them.
  The whales that state protection. Now the Japanese whaling. If you don't eat whale hunt to the Japanese the state is relieved. How do we let the Japanese whaling! This makes the motherland to worry.
  I thought and the Japanese peace no they will also have the whaling. Or let them whaling no. We secretly protecting whales no. Talk to the Japanese President conditions no no all not line.
  We watched the whales by the Japanese to catch to eat! We Chinese will try every way to save the whales!

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