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发表于 2021-2-2 16:05:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  The vacation, I and my mother, father and uncle went to my hometown, beautiful yongping county, Dali prefecture. Where there is water, mountains, can be beautiful!
  When I eat the food I think mother gave me to do before oil powder soup. When I go for a walk in beautiful hui mosque, see I can see the whole yongping county, I am very happy!
  Next, I introduce you to what's there to do in my hometown, and what to eat.
  My hometown is a very beautiful place! There are two small park, one is called scenic beauty, a small park, there is a place where is hui mosque, there is a very beautiful castle.
  Yongping county, Dali prefecture food with conger chicken, thin oil powder, ShaoErKuai, casserole bait silk. Play and eat there still has a lot of, I said don't finish this time, next time!

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