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2B Unit 3 What can you see? (The first period)

发表于 2021-1-22 19:14:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.words: plane, boat, jeep, train
2.sentences: what can you see? i can see …
1.words and sentences.
2.能用所学句型what can you see? 提问别人看到了什么,并能用i can see …描述自己所看到的东西。
step 1 warm up
t: we will begin our class now. children, if you do a good job in class, i’ll give you a price. so let’s come on. ok?
2.free talk: hello, what’s your name? how are you? what can you do?
[通过日常对话营造英语课氛围,并复习已学句型what can you do?为新授句型what can you see?做铺垫。]
3.sing a song: at the market.
[通过歌曲激发学生兴趣,歌曲中的we can see…句型也为下面的新授句型i can see…做了准备。]
step 2 presentation
1.teach the sentences.
a. t: what can you see in the market?
[让学生回答歌曲中出现的东西,自然引出新授句型what can you see?也易于学生理解。]
b. t: children, it’s ten o’clock at night. it’s dark. we can hear some voice in the market. let’s go and have a look. ok? 同学们,现在天黑了,超市里有声音,我们去看看超市里有什么好吗?please listen to my question carefully. what can you see in the market? you can say’ i can see …’
2.teach ‘plane’
t: let’s play a guessing game. what’s this? guess. oh, it’s a plane. children, if you are happy, how do you read this word? (sad/ angry/ surprise/ …) we also can call it airplane. where can we see the planes? (airport)
3.teach ‘boat’
show a picture
t: look, here’s a picture. what can you see in the sky? (plane, kite) what can you see in the river? (duck, boat)
t: oh, how to read this word? can you read this word? (coat—boat)
t: 现在让我们模仿小动物的声音来读这些单词
t: read the word as a cat….
t: here’re some boats. let’s learn how to read them. (duck boat, sail boat, dragon boat)
4.teach ‘train’ ‘jeep’
t: now, let’s play a game ‘listen and guess’
  can you make sentences with the word? for example: i can see a long train.
step 3 practice
1.exercise ‘look and match’共2页,当前第1页12
  • 2B Unit 3 What can you see? (The first period)
    t: what can you see? how to read this word? now let’s do the exercise ‘look and match’. who can come here and do the exercise? now let’s check the answers.
    2.game ‘find and move’
    t: i have some pictures. please put them in the correct places. then say the sentence: boat, boat, i can see a boat.
    3.game ‘memory king’
    t: now let’s play a game ‘memory king’. here’re six numbers. let’s read them first. behind the numbers there’re some pictures. please try to remember where they are. i’ll give you 5 seconds. now time’s up.
       what can you see in picture 1?
    t: who wants to be the teacher? come here and ask.
    4.exercise ‘listen and choose’
    5.sing a song ‘walking, walking’
    step 4 presentation
    1.t: look, who are they? (su yang and her dad.) they are at the airport. what are
          they talking about? try to discuss in pairs.
    ss: ….
    t: let’s watch and listen.
    2.open their books and read.
    3.t: now i’ll show you a picture. please make dialogues in pairs. use the sentences
    ‘what can you see? i can see…’
    step 5 consolidation
    t: children, it’s happy time. please draw a picture. you can draw anything you have learned. then ask and answer in groups.
    t: who wants to come in front and draw here? when you finish drawing, you can ask your classmates ‘what can you see?’
    step 6 homework
       visit a zoo and a park with parents, then talk about what you can see.
  • 2B Unit 3 What can you see? (The first period)
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