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Unit4 Going about

发表于 2021-1-22 19:14:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
teaching aims:
1. using nouns to identify objects.
2.using proper nouns to refer to places.
using the simple present tense to indicate facts.
3.using the simple present tense to express interests and preferences.
4. using proper nouns to indicate places
teaching difficult:
1. teach the new words: plane ferry train taxi car bus van.
2、teach the new instructions: how do you go to the park ? i go to the park by bus/taxi.
3、teach the new instructions: get in the car. get off the car.
4、teach the new instructions: i go to…by…
5、teach the new instructions: learn a song
the first period
teaching contents
teach the new words: plane ferry train taxi car bus van.
step1: warming up
t: hello, boys and girls.
ss: hello, teacher.
t: how are you?
ss: fine, thank you. and you?
t: very well. thanks.
let some ss to give the commands and others listen and do.
clean the desk, please.
come and play with me.
step2: free talk
t: what do you like?
s1: i like apples.
t: what do you like to do?
s2: i like to dance.
play a game:
one s ask and another answer. then ask one by one
step3: presentation
1)appreciate the song
t: down by the road waiting for the bus
let ss repeat.
t show the word cards and ss look at the word then read.
2) t: bus, bus, by bus. (explain the word “by”)
3) teach the words ‘car bus van’ by the same way.
2.listen and say.
take out the word cards and ask some individual to read them out.
1. play a game:
s1: is it a plane?
s2: is it a car?
s3: is it a taxi?
s4:is it a bus?
s5:is it a ferry?
(all of the words they have learned should be use in this part.)
2. bomb game.
step4: homework.
the second period
teaching contents
teach the new instructions: how do you go to the park ?
i go to the park by bus/taxi.
step1: warming up
1. greetings:
t: hello, boys and girls.
ss: hello, teacher.
t: how are you?
ss: fine, thank you. and you?
t: very well. thanks.
let some ss to give the commands and others listen and do.
play ,play, play. i like to play. come and play with me.
(run /swim/sleep)……
step2: free talk
t: where do you live?
s: i live in …
t: i love …, too. i go to … by bus. (teach “go to … by bus”)
t: how do you go to the park? (explain it )
s1: (引导学生说出)i go to…
(several times)
step3: presentation
1) t put out the wall-chart and tell a story (english and chinese) and ask the questions:
what’s on the road?
2) ask and answer:
t: i go to the park by bus? how do you go to the park?
s1: i go to by…(引导性).
(ask until ss’s answer is right.)
(several time).
3) listen to tape and ask ss to listen and follow the tape.共3页,当前第1页123
  • Unit4 Going about
    1. make the dialogue in pairs.
    2. play a game:
    s1: i go to school by…
    s2: i go to school by… s3: i go to school by…
    step4: homework.
    the third period
    teaching contents
    teach the new instructions: get in the car.
    get off the car.
    step1: warming up
    1. greetings:
    t: hello, boys and girls.
    ss: hello, teacher.
    t: how are you?
    ss: fine, thank you. and you?
    t: very well. thanks.
    let some ss to give the commands and others listen and do.
    play ,play, play. i like to play. come and play with me.
    (run /swim/sleep)……
    step2: free talk
    t: what’s this? (交通工具的图片)
    s1: it’s a…
    (several times)
    step3: presentation
    (1) put two chairs in a line. ask a student to sit in the front chair and act as a car driver. pretend to get in the car. say ‘get in the car.’ practice with more students.
    (2) invite individual students to act as passengers. say the commands and ask them to perform the scene. make sure students understand the command ‘get in the car.’
    (3) have a small group of students line up in front as if they are ready to get off the bus. say ‘get off the bus.’ and prompt them to walk off one by one.
    (4) repeat step 3 with more groups of students. ask them to repeat the command after you while doing the action.
    (5) open the student’s book to page 17. play the cassette tape to drill the correct pronunciation.
    step4: homework.
    the fourth period
    teaching contents
    teach the new instructions: learn a song.
    step1: warming up
    1. greetings:
    t: hello, boys and girls.
    ss: hello, teacher.
    t: how are you?
    ss: fine, thank you. and you?
    t: very well. thanks.
    let some ss to give the commands and others listen and do.
    ‘get in the car.’
    ‘get off the car. ’
    ‘get in the bus.’
    ‘get off the bus. ’
    read the words. (bus/train/taxi…)
    sing a song.
    step2: free talk
    t: t: how do we go to the park?
    s :we go to the park by taxi.
    t: how do we go to the park?
    s: we go to the park by bus.
    t: goodbye.
    s: goodbye.
    step3: presentation
    1 open the student’s book to page 20. say there are four children in the picture. they want to go to different places, but we don’t know which form of transport they like to use. let’s follow the road to find out. ask students to draw the routes and say ‘i go to .. by…’, pretending they are the children in the pictures.
    2 . play the cassette tape for students to check if their answers are right.
    3 make several board games that can be used in small groups to revise the expression ‘i go to…by …’ and the vocabulary they have learned. make game boards from cardboard. four players take turns rolling a dice and moving forward on the board according to the number on the dice. they must think of a place and say ‘i go to …(the name of the place) by …(the word on the square they stop at)’共3页,当前第2页123
  • Unit4 Going about
    4. work book page 14.
    a listen and match the pictures.
    b circle the one that does not belong.
    1 ask which form of transport do you like to use? please draw it on paper. ask students to show their own transport pictures and say ‘i go to … (the name of the place) by … (the word on the square they stop at)’.
    2 write up the number of students who like to use each form of transport on the board.
    step4: homework.
  • Unit4 Going about
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