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Unit 6 In a Nature Park Let’s learn教学设计

发表于 2021-1-22 19:13:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
教学目标:1.能够听、说 、读、写本课时主要单词:flower,grass,river,lake,forest,path.
   2.能够听、说、认读单词:sky,cloud,mountain及句子:there is a forest in the nature park.
  教学重点:掌握有关自然景物的单词:flower,grass,river,lake,forest,mountain,sky,cloud,path及相关句子:there is a forest in the nature park.
  一.warm up
  step1. leading in
  t: hello, boys and girls.do you like animals? ss:yes.
  t: i like rabbits.what animal do you like? ss: i like….
  t: ok! look, what’s this? ss: panda.
  t:yes,it’s a panda. look, what’s this? ss: cat.
  t:yes.you’re very excellent. today i will tell you a story about the panda and the cat.
  step1.lead to “nature park”
  t: panda and cat are good friends. today they go to visit a nature park. teach and read“nature park”.
  t:look! is the nature park beautiful? is the nature park big? ss:yes!
  step2.lead to “sky” and “cloud”.
  t: look! the sky is blue .sky, sky, blue sky.
  t:the cloud is white.cloud, cloud, white cloud. ss read after teacher.
  t: what’s in the sky? ss: there is a cloud in the sky﹒ there is a bird in the sky.
  step3.lead to “path”
  t: the weather is fine .so panda and cat walk to the nature park.they walk ,walk ,walk.but they are missing.there are three pathes . teach“path”.
  chant: path,path,walk on the path.
  t:what’s in the picture? ss: there is a path in the nature park.
  t:which one should they go?s1: i’ll go no….path. t:but the dog tell them go to the third path.
  step3.lead to “mountain”
  t: so they go on walking on the path. look,what are they meet? lead to “mountain”.
  chant: moutain, moutain, climb the moutain.
  t:what’s in the nature park? ss:there is a mountain in the nature park.
  step4. lead to “river”
  t:panda and cat climb on the moutain. they heard a voice. let’s listen .what’s is it? ss:water.t:where is the water?the water is in the river. lead to “river”.teach and read.
  chant: river, river, long river.
  tell ss: the water in the river is clean.
  step5. lead to “lake”
  point to the other place and ask:the water is clean,too.what’s this? lead to “lake”. teach and read.
  chant: lake, lake , big lake.
  step6. lead to “grass”.
  t: where are they now? they are playing on the grass.lead to “grass”. teach and read.
  chant: grass, grass,play on the grass.
  step7. lead to “flower”.
  t:there is some grass in the nature park. there is a flower in the nature park ,too.lead to“flower”.teach and read.
  t:but there are many flowers in the nature park.are they beautiful? ss:yes.共2页,当前第1页12
  • Unit 6 In a Nature Park Let’s learn教学设计
      chant: flower, flower,beautiful flowers.
      step8. lead to “forest”.
      t:what colour are the flowers? ss: it’s red. t:what colour is the grass? ss: it’s green. t:what is green too?lead to“forest”.teach and read.
      t:what’s in the forest? ss: there are many trees in the forest.
      t:at last ,panda and cat left the forest ,go home together.
      1. game: 教师把各种自然景物的图片面朝上贴在黑板上,把全班同学分成两组,每组选出一名学生,比赛看谁反应快。如教师说:grass,学生马上跑到黑板前,谁先碰到表示该单词的图片,谁就为本组赢得一分。
      2. 播放一段小flash,问:where is the bird? where is the fish?
      where are the m&#111nkeys?
      3.let’s chant.(p68)
      4.let’s find out.
      show picture one, let students say something about the picture.eg:there is /are….
      show picture two, t ask: are they same?there is no rivers in picture 1.lead ss to say:there is a river in the nature park.
      show four pictures together,let students find differences and say.
      1.read the book 70 five times.
      2.draw a nature park.共2页,当前第2页12
  • Unit 6 In a Nature Park Let’s learn教学设计
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