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Unit1 Do you use chopsticks in&

发表于 2021-1-22 19:12:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
unit1 do you use chopsticks in england教学设计
a. 语言知识目标:学习单词chopsticks, a knife and fork, use, easy, hard
学习功能句 do you want  \  use...?
                              yes, we do./no, we don’t.  we use...
重点:掌握单词、功能句do you want  \  use...? yes, we do.(yes , please .)/no, we don’t. (no , thank you .)  we use...并能在实际情景中运用。
难点:单词chopsticks 的发音。一般现在时 ,功能句do you want \ use...?的灵活运用,能比较中西文化的差异。
step 1 . warm up
1.greeting .
2.(cai )  show some pictures of food quickly , ask the students to say out . (noodles, fish , apples , sausages  ,rice, hamburgers , cakes and so on). t: do you like …? do you want …? and then ask and answer in pairs .
step 2 .presentation
1.t : now, i’m hungry, i want noodles. can i use my hand? what do i need?出示单词卡片: chopsticks  use  we use chopsticks in china. (teach to read) and ask more students to practice “do you use chopsticks ? yes , i do . no , i don’t .”
2.(cai )t: look ! amy is in the park with daming and ms smart. let’s look what happens?
step 3 . text –teaching
1. cd-rom  look and listen .think over questions : what does she want ? what does she use ?
2.answer the questions .
3.listen again ,repeat and find “do you …?” and teach the new words. (hard – easy  , ask to say others like this .)
4.say out the sentences with do you…?  and t writes on the blackboard . ask them to pay attention to the sentence writing . teach to read key sentences and ask in pairs .
eg: do you want \ use …? yes , please . yes , i do .  \ no , thank you . no , i don’t .
5.compare the difference of  food culture between china and foreign country .
6. practice reading the text and then read in roles in groups .
7. part 2 . show pictures ,just look , listen and say out what you’ve heard .and then open books , read in pairs.
step 4 . consolidation
1.part 3 practise guessing game: show some pictures of food , ask one student to choose one kind of food ,others guess what he \ she uses .
a: do you use …?b: yes , …do.\no, …don’t.  i use….
a. fill in the blanks .
in china, we use __________. in england, people use ________.共2页,当前第1页12
  • Unit1 Do you use chopsticks in England教学设计
    chopsticks are ________ for chinese people. they are _______ for english people.
    do you want noodles ?  yes , please . yes , please .
    do you use chopsticks? yes i do. yes, i do.
    we use chopsticks in china.
    they’re easy for us.
    do you want hamburgers ? no , thanks . no , thanks.
    do you use a knife and fork ? yes i do. yes, i do.
    we use a knife and fork in england.
    they’re easy for us.
    use  ,  a  , we   and  , knife  ,  fork____________________.
    do , in ,  use  , chopsticks , england  , you ______________________________?
    step 5 summary and homework
    1. sum up the key points . what did you learn this lesson?
    2. homework
    a. 同步书写
    b.practise reading the text in roles and key sentences.
  • Unit1 Do you use chopsticks in England教学设计
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