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Unit 3 An Amazing Plant

发表于 2021-1-22 19:09:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
unit 3 an amazing plant
1. benefit n. 利益,好处;优势[c] ,津贴,救济金[c]
the new hospital will be a great benefit to the town.新建成的医院将给全城带来莫大好处。
vt. 对...有益,有益于
the sea air will benefit you. 海边的空气对你有益。
benefit from/by 得益于   you'll benefit by a holiday.  假期对你有益。
2.  whole adj.全部的,所有的,整个的;完整的;无缺的,无损的,整整的
i'm deeply sorry about the whole business. 对整个事情我深感遗憾。
he spent two whole years writing the novel. 他花了整整两年写那本小说。
n.全部,全 +of
the whole of spain was jubilant.   西班牙举国欢腾。
*whole food   不含添加物,未经加工的)天然健康食品whole milk   全脂牛奶whole note全音符whole number   数
3. kill vt. a.杀死,扼杀,毁掉
he was killed in the air crash.  他在空难中死去。
this has killed my hopes.  这使我的希望破灭了。
he killed ten good years on that job. 他在那件工作上浪费了整整十年时间。
4. cut up
cut up the carrots before you put them into the pot.把胡萝卜切碎后再放进锅内。
5. rather than而不是...
she was guided by feeling rather than thought.  她被感情而非理智所支配。
many products are made by machinery rather than by hand.许多产品是机器造的而不是手工做的。
these reports give an outline rather than the details.这些报告只给了一个大纲,而没有提供细节。
6. care for 计较
he doesn't care for what he eats.  他对吃的东西并不计较。
who will care for the house while the family is away?全家人都不在时,由谁照料这间房子呢?
the hospital cares for some fifty mental patients.这家医院照料五十名左右精神病患者。
7.  reason  n.
a.  理由,原因,动机[c](+for)   +that句子   +why   
the reason (that) she did it is still a mystery. 或 the reason why she did it is still a mystery.她为什么做那件事仍是一个谜。
b.  理性,理智;判断力,推理
c.   道理,情理;明智 why won't you listen to reason?你为什么不愿听从道理?
8.  decide vt. 决定;决意 +to do   +(that)句子
they decided that john must stay there.他们决定约翰必须留在那里。
they decided to start earlier .
9.  main      主要的,最重要的
she noted down the main points of the speech.  她把演说的要点记了下来。
10. cause n. 原因;起因[c][(+of)]
what was the cause of the accident?  造成这一事故的原因是什么?
`理由,根据;动机[   +for    +to do
you have no cause to complain.   你没有理由抱怨。
vt. 导致,使发生,引起
what caused him to quit his job?   什么原因使他辞职的?共2页,当前第1页12
  • Unit 3 An Amazing Plant

    辨析because, since, as, for和 due to 引导的原因状语从句
    1. because(因为):表示直接原因或理由,着重点在从句,用于回答why引起的特殊疑问句,语气最强,如果原因是构成句子的最主要部分,一般用because。because引导的从句一般不放在句子的开头。
    eg: he didn’t go to school because he was ill. 他没去上学是因为他病了
    i missed the train because i got up late.  我错过了火车因为我起来晚了
    the swimming pool won’t be open today because they’re making repairs.
    2. since(既然): 一般表示对方已知的,无须加以说明的即成事实的理由,全句中心在主句,语气比because稍弱。
    eg: since you are ill, i’ll go alone. 既然你病了,那我自己去
       i’ll do it for you since you are busy. 既然你忙了,我来替你做吧
       since we have no money, we can’t buy that vase.
    3. as(由于):表示十分明显的原因,一般说明因果关系,着重点在主句,语气较弱,引导的从句通常放在句首,有时也放在句尾。
         eg: as it is snowing, we shall not go to the park.由于正在下雪,我们不会去公园了
             as it is raining, you ‘d better take a taxi. 天下雨了,你最好乘出租车
             as everybody has arrived now, we can set off. 既然大家都到了,我们可以动身了。
    4. for(因为,其理由是):是个并列连词,只能放在另一个并列句后面,表示推理或解释,或用作附加说明,表示新的情况,而不是指理由或原因,语气最弱,一般不放在句首。
    eg: she was angry with him for being late. 因为他迟到,所以她生气
    we must leave now, for the film begins at seven.
        (for 表示因果关系时,可以同because交替使用,但for前须用逗号,而because则不必。)
    5. due to(由于,应归于): 和because of 用法基本一样,后接名词或名词性短语。严格地说,“due to” 不管是当 “由于” 或 “应归于” 解,都不放在句首,最好是在be动词之后,
    eg: the company’s problems are due to bad management and staff shortage
       some staff came late, due to traffic congestion. 一些人来晚了是由于交通拥挤
       due to the bad weather, our concert have to be put off.
  • Unit 3 An Amazing Plant
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