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北师大版五年级英语下册Unit 7  At the &nbsp

发表于 2021-1-22 19:07:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
课题:《unit 7  at the  airportⅰ 》课型:重点课模式:结构式,摄取式教学目标:1.知识与技能:能够正确地听说,认读下列单词 germany, either, airport, from, wrong, 能够使用以下单词mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, trip,  能够通过阅读理解本单元的故事。2.过程与方法:通过学生小组合作交流的形式,使学生能熟练地说出单词。3.情感态度与价值观:通过对故事中mocky行为的讨论,培养做事冷静,不莽撞的意识。教学重点: 1、名词性物主代词的学习2、询问物品归属的句式whose pen is this?  is it yours?教学难点:名词性物主代词mine,  ours, yours, his, hers, theirs的用法教学媒体:录音机,教学光盘,课件 教学过程:unit7 at the airportⅰ内容: p2-3  课文 目标: 知识与技能: 1.能够在图片的提示下理解故事内容。             2.能在教师的帮助下表演或讲述故事部分情节活全部内容。             3.初步了解形容词物主代词的使用。过程与方法:以学生为主体,通过学生小组合作交流的形式,使学生能理解故事内容。情感态度价值观:1.使学生大致了解机场接人,取行李的过程,扩展知识面。2.通过对故事中mocky行为的讨论,培养做事冷静,不莽撞意识。教学重点:课文理解教学难点:理解名词性物主代词在文中的使用媒体的使用:光盘,按按按第一课时教学意图教   师   活   动学生活动媒体及作用从简单对话入手,营造英语氛围。调动学生学习兴趣。  英文歌曲,营造轻松,和谐的课堂气氛,将学生的注意力从多彩的假期转移到课堂上来。   充分发挥学生的主动性,练习口语。教师引导学生进入故事情境培养学生看图理解能力培养学生跟读模仿能力通过引导学生看图回答问题,培养他们听说能力和观察,思维能力小组活动,培养学生互助合作的精神一review  good morning,  how are you?   nice to meet you.  let’s sing a song first.in this holiday, i went to some supermarkets, hotel and many friends’ house. so i’m so happy. did you have a good holiday? who’d like to introduce yourself? (where they went, what they did)二 新课step1、导入ask children if they had ever been to the airport, if yes, ask them what they went for.if no, have them talk about what the airport would be like. step2, tell the story1. have the ss turn to p2&3. tell them we are going to read the story about ann, ken and mocky at the airport.2. have the children look at the pictures. guess the main idea of the text.3,看故事,让学生描述每幅图的主要情节4. play the tape. have the children listen and try to repeat..5. play the tape again, or the teacher tells the story again,explaining  new words共2页,当前第1页12
  • 北师大版五年级英语下册Unit 7  At the  airport 教案
    6. 语篇:tell them ann, ken and mocky were at the airport.ask questions to check the children’s understanding. you can use the following questions:p1: where are they now? what do you think they are doing?p3:who is that man?p4: what does mocky want to do? p5: what color is the bag? is this ken’s father’s bag?p6: whose bag is this? p7: whose bag do you think it is?p8: what do you think is mocky talking about with dad ?p9: is this ken’s father’s bag? why?p10: whose bag is this? 7.tell the story:8. read the story answer the questions.  fine. thank you. and you ?nice to meet you too.  xkb1.com  ss sing the song after the video.  listen and then answer teacher’s questions.tell about their own holidy.学生根据事实回答问题,描述机场的样子。看故事,学生描述故事的的主要情节学生听录音.听录音,逐句跟读录音看动画后回答问题逐图看光盘回答问题,理解故事朗读课文尝试完整复述教学光盘光盘录音机录音机教学光盘板书设计:unit 7    at the airport作业设计: 1. read the new text after the tape 3 times  2. preview page 4
  • 北师大版五年级英语下册Unit 7  At the  airport 教案
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