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unit 4 Period 6 (Grammar 2)&nbs

发表于 2021-1-22 19:06:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
unit 4 period 6 (grammar 2) practise
teaching contents: 1 to recognize and use countable and uncountable nouns.
2 to recognize and use the indefinite articles to talk about things that are countable.
3 make the students can use the form of a + … + of.
teaching aims: 1 make the students grasp the knowledge.
2 make the students cooperate more in class.
teaching important and difficult points:
1 to recognize and use countable and uncountable nouns.
2 to recognize and use the indefinite articles to talk about things that are countable.
3 make the students can use the form of a + … + of.
teaching aids: pictures, real objects and multi-media computer
teaching steps:
step 1 presentation
t: boys and girls, good morning. first, please look at the screen.
(show a picture of an apple.)
t: what’s this?                             s: it’s an apple.
t: (show a picture of a glass) what’s this?        s: it’s a glass.
t: good. what’s this? (show a picture of a piano)   s: it’s a piano.
t: what are these? (show a picture of mangoes)    s: they are mangoes.
use pictures to teach story, glass, piano, mango, shelf, carrot, tomato, pot, pancake and potato. at the same time, teach the singular and plural forms of these new words. they are stories, glasses, pianos, mangoes, shelves, carrots, tomatoes, pots, pancakes and potatoes.
show a picture of a christmas card with wishes on it.
t: you see, it’s a christmas card. what should we write on it?
s: merry christmas!
t: yes, and it’s a wish. for example, happy new year! it’s a wish, too. any other examples?
s: happy teachers’ day.
t: good. these nouns are something we can count. so we call them countable nouns. and only countable nouns have plural forms.
step 2 conclusion
conclude the rules that how to form the plural form of most countable nouns. we add ‘-s’ to the singular form. however, there are some exceptions.
most nouns + s
nouns ending in a consonant +y -y + ies
nouns ending in s, sh, ch or x + es
nouns ending in o + s or + es
nouns ending in f or fe -f or fe + ves
step 3 presentation
t: we saw some pictures of countable nouns. now let’s see some pictures of another kind of nouns. (show a picture of bread)
look, what’s this? it’s bread.
t: what is it? (show a picture of water)                        s: it’s water.共2页,当前第1页12
  • unit 4 Period 6 (Grammar 2) practise
    t: and what’s this? (show a picture of tea)                     s: it’s tea.
    use pictures to teach tea, soup and salt.
    t: you see, these are something we cannot count. so we call them uncountable nouns.
    step 4 practice
    do b1 on page 62.
    check answers and then do b2. read millie and her mother’s conversation and write the underline nouns in the correct column of the table.
    then check the answers.
    step 5 presentation
    show the students a picture of a cup of tea.
    t: now please look at the screen. what’s this?                   ss: it’s tea.
    t: yes, it is. and it’s a cup of tea. we can not say a tea, but a cup of tea. we can use nouns in front of uncountable nouns to show their amounts. let’s see some other examples.
    show pictures of a glass of milk, a bowl of rice, a packet of salt one by one. ask the students to read these phrases.
    then show a picture of meat. teach kilo and a kilo meat.
    then show a picture of two or three glasses of milk. teach the plural forms of these phrases.
    two bowls of rice three cups of tea four kilos of meat
    five packets of salt students read these phrases together.
    conclusion: a … of + uncountable nouns
    show some other pictures. e.g. a bag of apples a box of eggs
    two baskets of bananas
    t: we can also use nouns in front of uncountable and countable nouns to show their amounts.
    step 6. exercises
    do the exercise on page 63. read the conversation and fill in the blanks with a or an.
    then check the answers.get students read the dialogue together.
    t: we use ‘a’ or ‘an’ before a singular countable noun. if the noun starts with a vowel sound, we use ‘an’. and in the word hour, the letter ‘h’ is silent and it starts with a vowel sound, we use ‘an’.
    t: let’s see how many letters we can put ‘an’ before them. please think it over.
    then check answers.
    the letters are a, e, f, h, i, l, m, n, o, r, s, x.
    step 8 production
    t: we’ll have a party. we don’t have enough food or drinks. so we should go shopping. please work in pairs and make up a new dialogue about shopping.
    choose several pairs to perform their dialogues in class.
    write down the dialogue discussed above.共2页,当前第2页12
  • unit 4 Period 6 (Grammar 2) practise
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