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Unit 2 More exercise

发表于 2021-1-22 19:05:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
unit 2    more exercise
1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词strong, slow, low, fish, late及be good at.
2、 能听得懂、会说和会读单词和词组far, traffic, well, jog, do well in , need help with, do more exercise, animal show, go for a walk.
3、 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语that’s true. well done. jim is not as strong as the other boys. mike runs as fast as ben.
4、 能听得懂、会说、会读、会写句型ben runs faster than jim. do the boys jump higher than the girls? does jim swim slower than david?
5、 了解字母组合or在单词中的另一种读音。
6、 会诵读歌谣run, rabbit, run!
1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词strong, slow, low, fish, late及be good at.
2、 听得懂、会说、会读、会写句型ben runs faster than jim. do the boys jump higher than the girls? does jim swim slower than david?
3、 初步理解副词的比较级。
第二课时学习a 部分。
第三课时学习d、e、 f 、g h部分。
2、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词strong, slow, low, fish, late及be good at.
step one: presentation
1 t: i get up very early this morning. how about you? what time do you get up this morning?
2 s: i get up at…
3 t: oh, you are earlier(later)
4 learn the words: late, later, early, earlier.
5 let ss ask and answer in pairs just like the model what teacher gives before.

step two: do exercises
1 t: look, the students of pingjiang experimental school are having a school festival today. they are very happy. let us go and have a look.
2 put the pictures of students’ book page 16 together, let them look carefully, and then answer teacher’s questions:
(1) does david run faster than wang bing?
(2) is su hai’s kite lower than su yang’s?
(3) does yang ling skate better than su hai?
3 draw a form on the blackboard:
name 50米跑 400米跑 跳高 跳远   
lucy 13秒 3分12秒 1.2米 2.3米   
ben  11秒 2分54秒 1.4米 2.2米   
david 10.5秒 2分56秒 1.1米 2.0米  
4 point one kind of races, t: does lucy run faster than ben? does ben jump higher than david?
  does david jump farther than lucy? ect.
   step three: look, read and learn共4页,当前第1页1234
  • Unit 2    More exercise
    1 listen to the tape of page 16
    2 read after the tape
    3 read them yourselves
    4 preview part c

    step four: work in pairs
    1 free talk: does the tiger run faster than the rabbit? do the ducks swim faster than the fish?
    2 use the form on the blackboard before, let ss ask and answer in pairs. t go to help them.
    3 look at the pictures and read the dialogues on page 17.
    (1) a: do the boys jump higher than the girls?
        b: yes, they do.
    (2) a: does jim swim slower than david?
        b: no, he doesn’t. he swims faster than david.
    4 talk with your partner. use the dialogues above as models. the words will help you: fast, slow, high, low, early, late, well, fat.
    5 ss work in pairs.
    6 act the dialogues in front of the blackboard.
    step five: homework
    1 listen to the tape and read after it the times.
    2 copy the words in page 16.
    3 write two dialogues with the model in page 17.
    unit 2    more exercise
      low  lower        slow    slower
      high  higher       fast     faster
      late  later         early    earlier
      far   farther       well     better
    1. 复习c部分的内容,将词汇和句型相结合,复习副词的比较级。
    2. 学习a部分的句型,能熟读课文并理解运用。
    3.学会单词和词组far, traffic, well, jog, do well in , have problems with, do more exercise, animal show, go for a walk.
    step one: free talk
    1、 show the picture of page 16,17. let ss say out the words we have learnt last lesson
    2、 let ss act the dialogues
    step two:presentation
    1 t: who’s good at pe in our class?
    t: who can swim?
    t: who runs faster?
    2 let ss talk about them and then answer them.
    3 show some questions on the blackboard:
    (1) what are you good at?
    (2) how about you?
    (3) who is good at pe(maths, english, chinese) in your group?
    (4) … is not as strong as …
    4 let ss to read the exercises on page 15, when the ss know something about the text, let them to listen to the tape, then judge the answers.
    5 read after the tape.
    6 the answer of the judgment is : f t t f f
    7 practice: be good at…; do well in…; as…as…
    8 ask and answer: (1)i’m not doing well in pe. are you doing well in pe? and you? (2)ben runs faster than me. who runs faster, you or him? (3) and you can swim fast. can you swim? can you swim fast? (4) i’ll get up earlier every day and do some exercise before i go to school. if you were jim, what would you do?共4页,当前第2页1234
  • Unit 2    More exercise
    step three: review and repeat
    1 read the text together.
    2 let ss if they have any questions, they can ask me.
    3 act the text.
    step four: homework
    1 read the text after the tape five times.
    2 copy the text one time.
    3 preview part d e f g h
    unit 2    more exercise
    what are you good at?
    how about you?
    who is good at pe(maths, english, chinese) in your group?
    … is not as strong as …
    1 、学习d e f g h部分的内容,并完成练习册。
    2 、了解字母组合or在单词中的另一种读音。
    3、 会诵读歌谣run, rabbit, run!
    学习d e f g h部分的内容,并完成练习册。
    step one: review and check
    1、 read the text (part a)
    2 、do part d: listen and write
    (1) the butterflies fly higher than the bees.
    (2) the m&#111nkeys can skate better than the bears.
    (3) yang ling likes the bears better than the m&#111nkeys.  
    (4) the fish swim faster than the ducks.
    3、look,read and judge
        ⑴ jim got up at six thirty this morning.     t
        ⑵ jim goes to school by bike.            f
        ⑶ yang ling reads better than all the other m students. f
    ⑷helen does not want to read the new words for the class.   f
    step two: listen and repeat; say a rhyme
    1、 forty  horse  morning  sports
       yesterday morning, i saw forty horses running in the sports field.
    2、 read it one by one.
    3、 say a rhyme.
    let ss understand the rhyme.
    read the rhyme themselves.
    read it together.
         step three: workbook
            a  listen and number
            b  listen and tick
         step four: homework
            1 finish the exercises in the workbook. (part c.d.e.f)
            2 review the unit, be ready for the test.
    forty  horse  morning  sports
             yesterday morning, i saw forty horses running in the sports field.
    1、 全面复习掌握本单元的内容,通过练习和讲评得以巩固和知新。共4页,当前第3页1234
  • Unit 2    More exercise
    2、 区别与练习一、二单元的内容,为单元测验做准备。
    step one: review unit 2
    1 recite the adv. words: low lower &high higher; slow slower & fast faster; far farther; late later & early earlier; well better
    2 sentences:
    do you run faster than them?
    yes, we do.
    does he go to school earlier than her?
    no, he doesn’t.
    step two: review unit 1
    1 recite the adj. words: old older& young younger; short shorter& long longer, tall taller; big bigger& small smaller; fat fatter& thin thinner; heavy heavier& light lighter
    2 sentences:
    who is taller than me?
    liu tao is.
    whose hair is longer, mine or yours?
    yours, i think.
    step three: explain the workbook
    explain the exercises of the workbook.
    step four: homework
    prepare for the test of unit 2.
    test in paper
                    explain the test.
  • Unit 2    More exercise
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