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南师附小最新牛津小学5B Unit8表格教案

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(46)unit 8 at the weekends    (第一教时) may.23一 教学内容  b  look, read and learn; c  ask and answer二 教学目标1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:ant, butterfly, dragonfly, firefly, cricket, grasshopper, bee, cicada, spend, often, weekend2能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:how do you spend your weekends? i often …. sometimes i ….三 教学重点和难点1 关于昆虫类的单词的正确朗读和拼写。2能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:how do you spend your weekends? i often …. sometimes i ….四 课前准备教学准备:各种昆虫图片, 单词卡片, 录音机和磁带。五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  free  talk1 who’s on duty today? do you have any hobbies?2 do you like …? what do you usually do on saturdays/sundays?i am.yes, i do. i like ….yes, i do.no, i don’t.i usually ….bpresentation and practise1 出示图片: look at my pictures.there are many insects. look, this is an ant. do you like it?teach: insect     ant 同法学习单词:butterfly, dragonfly, firefly,  grasshopper, bee2 放录音3 play a game.展示图片的一个角,让学生猜猜是什么昆虫。    跟读并拼读。跟读并拼读。  听录音,模仿读。cask and answer1 how do you spend your weekends?teach: spend  weekends2 (教学生回答)i often ….teach: often3 逐一出示图片,让学生操练句型 teach: catch insects4 do a survey:调查班机学生在周末都干些什么。i …..   跟读并拼读。how do you spend your weekends?i often ….跟读并拼读。进行调查活动,并做好记录。六 板书设计图片 an ant      图片 a butterfly   图片 a dragonfly图片  a firefly     图片 a grasshopper   图片a bee       七 作业设计抄写本课四会的单词八 课后反思通过图片让学生认识昆虫,并且会说昆虫的英文名称。how do you spend your weekends?这句句型是本单元的重点句型,学习这句时,我让学生去询问身边的同学是怎样度过他们的周末的,既练习了这句句型,又复习了许多词组。  (47)unit 8 at the weekends    (第二教时) may.24一 教学内容   a  read and say二 教学目标1 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:talk, talk about, very, learn…from… , of course, 2 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:how do you spend your weekends? i can learn a lot from it . of course, i do.3 能正确朗读课文内容。三 教学重点和难点1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:talk, talk about, very, learn…from… , of course, 2能正确朗读课文内容。四 课前准备教学准备:图片,录音机和磁带。五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  free  talkwho’s on duty today?how do you spend your weekends?i am.i often….brevision1( 出示昆虫类图片)让学生看图片朗读单词。2 指导齐读、个别读 同桌操练句型:how do you spend your weekends?i often ….c presentation and practise1 i often surf the internet at the weekends. i like surfing the internet. do you like surfing the internet? i can learn a lot from it.teach: learn … from…2 how do you spend your weekends?教师把学生的回答总结并写在黑板上。go swimming , go climbing, catch insects,  play football, play basketball, play table tennis, …(these are sports.)teach: sports3 how does …spend his/her weekends?4 放录音5 放录音6领读7 指导yes, i do ./ no, i don’t.   齐读,跟读。i often ….       齐读,跟读。he/she often …. 听课文录音跟读跟读齐读并分角色朗读六 板书设计go swimming,  go climbing ,  go fishing,  go skating,  go skiingplay football,  play basketball,  play volleyball,  play table tennislisten to music,  watch tv,  go shopping,  grow flowers, do housework, wash clothes,  play cards,  keep cats ,  …….七 作业设计正确朗读课文内容并能背诵。八 课后反思通过老师自己描述自己的爱好,自己是如何度过周末的,来询问学生如何度过周末,把学生的活动写在黑板上,然后用how does …spend his/her weekends?来提问,学习一般现在时的第三人称的用法,让学生用he/she often…进行回答。  (48)unit 8 at the weekends    (第三教时) may.28一 教学内容   d  look and say;  g  listen and repeat二 教学目标1 复习巩固昆虫类单词2 复习并巩固本单元的课文内容。3 四会句型:how does he/she spend his/her weekends? he/she often …4 了解字母组合ee在单词中的发音。三 教学重点和难点四会句型:how does he/she spend his/her weekends? he/she often …四 课前准备教学准备:图片,录音机和磁带五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  free  talkwho’s on duty today?what day is it today?……i am.it’s ………brevision1 出色昆虫类图片2 指导 3 how do you spend your weekends?  how does your father spend his weekends?  how does your mother spend her weekends?4 指导集体朗读集体朗读课文分角色朗读课文i often … he often …. she often….. 同桌模仿操练。clook and say1 带领学生仔细看图并讲解一下主语是第三人称单数时动词的用法。2 指导      3评价仔细看图  三人一组操练,一位学生提问,另外两位学生分别用often, sometimes进行问答。用sometimes,和often介绍其它学生情况,比比谁说得多。dlisten and repeat1 出示单词:bee, see, sleep, tree2 评价3 评价 4 出示句子:i can see some bees sleeping in the tree.齐读这些单词总结归纳字母ee发音举例ee也发同样的音的单词个别读齐读比赛读六 板书设计how does he/she spend his/her weekends? he/she often …  sometimes he/she….bee    see      sleep      treei can see some bees sleeping in the tree.七 作业设计回家练习说今天所学的句型。八 课后反思在练习句型时,我让学生三人一组操练,一位学生提问,另外两位学生分别用often, sometimes进行问答。用sometimes,和often介绍其它学生情况,比比谁说得多。  (49)unit 8 at the weekends   (第四教时)may.29一 教学内容   e  read the passage; f think and guess; h sing a song二 教学目标1 三会单词及词组:brave, glow, carry, group, fight, people, study at yu cai school, carry big things, work in groups, like to fight2 能正确朗读并理解小课文内容3 会诵读歌谣:we know三 教学重点和难点能正确朗读并理解小课文内容四 课前准备教学准备:图片,录音机和磁带五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  free  talkwho’s on duty today?how do you spend your weekends?how about your father/mother?i am.i often …. he/she often ….brevision出示昆虫类图片复习朗读并背诵这些单词cthink and guess1 let’s play a game. please  listen and guess what is it?a: it likes flowers. it is beautiful. it can fly.b: it has long legs. it is brave and it likes to fight.teach: brave, fightc: it can fly. it is beautiful too.it is green.d: it is small,but it can carry big things. and they work in groups.teach: carry ; carry big things     group; work in groupse: it has long legs and it can jump high. it’s green.f: it can glow at night.teach: glow;  glow at nightg: it sings on hot days. it sings beautiful.  a butterfly. a cricket. 齐读并拼读。a dragonfly. an ant. 齐读并拼读。 a grasshopper. a firefly.齐读并拼读。a cicada.dread the passage1 boys and girls, do you like insects?  i like insects too. insects are our good friends.2 放录音3 放录音4 提问:how does the boy spend his weekends?what can ants do?what can fireflies do?what do many boys like?what do many girls like?what do cicadas do ?指导yes, we do.   听录音跟读回答问题。       小组讨论昆虫的特性。esing a song1 放录音2 放录音3 放录音听录音根录音唱集体唱这首歌六 板书设计  brave,  glow , carry, group, fight, people七 作业设计选择自己喜欢的一种昆虫,根据它们的特征,根据课文写一篇小短文。八 课后反思学生对于昆虫的名称有时会搞错,于是我准备了一个游戏,让学生猜猜想想,这是什么昆虫,让学生在游戏中弄清昆虫的名称,然后进行片段的学习就容易多了。 (50)unit 8 at the weekends    (第五教时) may.30一 教学内容1 默写四会单词,词组。2 完成练习册上本单元的听力以及后面的内容。3 进行讲解。  (51)unit 8 at the weekends    (第六教时) may.31一 教学内容进行本单元的单元测试(拓展练习册上)
  • 南师附小最新牛津小学5B Unit8表格教案
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