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7b Unit 5 Grammar教案

发表于 2021-1-22 18:58:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7b unit 5 grammar
教学目标1、学习can 与could在表示能力的使用2、学习can 与could 在表示可能性时的应用重难点分析
教会学生如何理解运用区别can \could学情分析
step 1. warming up.1) make a survey.“what can you do now?”ask:can you ride a bike / swim / fly a kite / play football / play chess?yes , i can. / no, i can’t.2)show the students the following phrases on the screen.ride a bike  swim  fly a kite  play football  play chess  3)ask the other students in the class.can she / he …?4)show the students the sample on the screeneg: a. can he ride a bike?no,he can’t / yes, canstep 2. presentation.1) ask student again:could you ride a bike five years ago ?(help them answer:yes, i could./ no, i couldn’t.)2) get the students to ask the teacher about the past of a and b.could he / she …? (yes, he / she could. / no, he / she couldn’t.)3) teach the students to say the whole sentences:she could ride a bike five years ago.he couldn’t swim five years ago.……5)  work out the rule.①  positive: can    could② negative: can’t   couldn’t③question: can …?  could …?step 3. practice.1) work alone.(part a1)2)get the students to report themselves like above.eg. can sandy row a boat now?   could he do it last year?3)complete the conversation of part a2.5) explain:we can use  am (is , are) able to replace can and  was (were) able to replace could.eg.①mike can sing more than 20 english songs.    mike is able to …②she could speak english when she was four.she was able to…step 4.ask 1)      ask studentcan i borrow your pen ?can i open the window ?can i close the door?……could i borrow your pen ?could i open the window ?could i close the door?……2)比较can,may,could   表示可能性的用法step 5. guessing a riddle.it can live in water. it can breathe under water. it can swim. it can live in a glass bowl. people can feed and watch them every day. what is it?     (a goldfish)step 6. presentation.1.say:①zhang hua works hard. it is possible for him to pass the exam.(he can pass the exam)② nick didn’t bring a football to school.it is not possible for us to play football after class.(we can’t play football after class.)③it was sunny last sunday. it was possible for the children to go to the park.(the children could go to the park)共2页,当前第1页12
  • 7b Unit 5 Grammar教案
    ④millie had no money yesterday. it was not possible for her to buy that coat.  (she couldn’t buy that coat.)2.show the sentences above on the screen and explain them to the students: we use “can” / “could” to say that something is / was possible to happen.3.      get the students to explain with “possible”.  ①fire can be dangerous if we are not careful.②mr. sun can’t be at home because i saw him at school just now.③i didn’t lose my key so i could get in.④mr. sun could not get out because he hurt his leg.利用一些学生熟悉的短语,以can为提问方式与学生进行问答用第三人称换第二人称进行对话练习write them down on the blackboard.write the sentences  down on the blackboardask the students to compare the sentences with can and could.ask them to draw the conclusion.巡视,帮助可能有困难的学生check the answercan和could分别表示现在和过去的能力我们在上册书中还学过表示征求意见的can, maywrite them down on the blackboardwrite them down on the blackboard也可以用学生的课堂状况作为语境show the sentences above on the screen  use “can” to ask小组内分组练习ask the partner more questions like above and write down their answers , then report to the class.answer让学生在组内写出更多的类似的句子总结can 与could的区别report themselves       talk about the tables freely. in pairs.理解举例说明 answer these sentences and make more 完成单选练习guess 总结作业设计补充习题同步导学板书设计he can’t / cannot swim.…she could ride a bike five years ago.he couldn’t swim five years ago.can i borrow your pen ?can i open the window ?can i close the door?……could i borrow your pen ?could i open the window ?could i close the door?he can pass the examwe can’t play football after class.the children could go to the parkshe couldn’t buy that coat.共2页,当前第2页12
  • 7b Unit 5 Grammar教案
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