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war and peace教案

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module 6  课本难点释疑
一、 on a freezing cold winter day in january 1994, jiesang suonandajie found what he was looking for—a group of poachers who were killing the endangered tibetan antelopes.
a freezing cold winter day前必须用on,因为在具体或相对具体的一天及这一天的上午、下午或晚上前用介词on。如:
on friday, on february 1, 1990, on a warm summer day, on the morning of june 1, XX等。
二、 a shawl made from the wool ( known as “shahtoosh”, or “king of woods” in persian) can sell for five thousand dollars.   
1) made from ... 相当于which was made from...。
be made from / of ... “由……制成”,from常指化学变化,即从表面看不出事物的原料。of则相反,常指物理变化,即从表面能看出事物的原料。如:
the furniture made of wood sells well.
changyu wine made from grapes are well received at home and abroad.
2) sell well卖得好; sell out 卖光;  sell ... for 以……售出。如:
the double star shoes made in qingdao sell for 118 yuan each pair and they sell well.
三、 often working at night, the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time, leaving only the babies, whose wool is not worth so much.
shoot sb. / sth. “射杀某人 / 某物,用枪打死某人 / 某物”,一定射中了;shoot at sb. / sth. “朝某人 / 某物射击”,不一定射中。如:
he shot at the birds on the tree, but he didn’t shoot one.
四、 meanwhile in those countries where the shawls are sold, police are getting tough with the dealers.
get / be tough with (= take severe measures) “采取强硬措施”。如:
the government should get tough with environment pollution.
一、 worth; worthy; worthwhile
1. i paid 15 yuan for the vase. do you think it is __________ the money?
2. it is an idea that’s __________ considering.
3. the thieves stole $ 1 million __________ of jeweler.  
4. the plan is __________ to be carefully considered.
5. the __________ gentleman donated 500 million dollars to the poor people.
6. it’s __________ taking / to take the trouble to explain a job fully to new employees.
key:1. worth  2. worth  3. worth  4. worthy  5. worthy  6. worthwhile
【简析】 worth 作动词时意思是“值……”,后面需要接名词或动名词。接名词时,名词往往是表示钱数或相当于钱数的名词,如price, money等,也可以接相当于“代价”的比喻性名词;在接动名词时,要用主动形式表示被动意义 (如1、2);另外,worth还可用作名词,用在表示数量、持续时间等名词的后面(如 3);worthy“值得”,后接不定式的被动结构或of + 名词(如4);另外,worthy还可用作定语,表示“可钦的,高尚的”(如5);worthwhile“值得的”,表示值得花时间或经历做某事,可作表语或定语(如6)。共3页,当前第1页123
  • war and peace教案
    二、 alive; living; live; lively
    1. the driver was still __________ after the serious accident, which made us all surprised.
    2. many people are still buried __________ after the earthquake.
    3.  shelley was still __________ when keats died.
    4. the expert is experimenting on a ________ mouse.
    5. did you watch the __________ broadcast of the world cup last night?
    6.  she is a __________ child and popular with everyone.
    key:1. alive  2. alive  3. living  4. live
    5. live 6. lively
    【简析】 alive“活着的”,主要用作表语和补语,作定语时要作后置定语,常用来指虽有死的可能,但仍然还活着 (如1、2);living“活着的,健在的”,用作表语或定语,表示在某某时候是活着的(如3);live“活的;现场直播的”,表示“活着”时,主要用来修饰动植物(如4、5);lively“有生气的,精力充沛的;生动的”(如 6)。
    三、 feed on; live on; feed ... on ...; feed ... to ...
    1. sheep mainly __________ grass.
    2. —how is his life?
      —not very well. he has only his small salary to __________.
    3. she __________ for many years after her husband died.
    4. what do you __________ your dog ________?
    5. he __________ grass __________ the horse.
    key:1. feed on 2. live on 3. lived on 4. feed ... with ... / feed ... on ... 5. feeds; to
    【简析】 feed on...“以……为食”,多用于指牛、马、羊等动物 (如1);live on “以……为生;靠(某种经济来源)过活;继续生存”(如2、3);feed ... on ...“用……喂……”,有时也可以用feed ... with ... (如 4);feed ... to ...“给(某人或某物)作为食物”(如5)。
    四、 stand for; stand by; stand in; stand out
    1. —do you know what’s the meaning of “gnp”?
        —yes. it __________ gross national product.
    2. please remember i’ll __________ you whatever happens.
    3. how can you __________ and let him treat his dog like that?
    4. my assistant will __________ for me while i’m away.
    5. they were all attractive, but she __________ from the others.
    key: 1. stands for 2. stand by 3. stand by
    4. stand in 5. stood out
    【简析】 stand for ...“是……的缩写;代表……;支持……,主张……”(如 1);stand by ...“站在……的一边;支持;袖手旁观”(如2、3);stand in后常接for...,表示“代表……,代替……”(如4);stand out“突出,显眼,引人注目”(如5)。
    1. 许多勇敢的人为了拯救洪灾中的村民而献出了生命。(give one’s life to)
    2. 这部电影值得再看一次。(worth)
    3. 既然你努力了,就不必为考试结果担心。(be concerned about)
    4. 众所周知,大熊猫是以竹子为主食的。(feed on)
    5. 目前,我们必需把注意力集中到对藏羚羊的保护上。(focus ... on)
  • war and peace教案
    1. nobody believed his reason __________ he had to meet his uncle at the airport.
    2. i saw a woman running towards me in the dark. before i could recognize who she was, she had run back in the direction __________ she had come.
    3. in an hour, we can travel to places __________ would have taken our ancestors days to reach.
    4. the beatles, __________ many of you can remember, came from liverpool.
    5. is this the garden __________ little washington chopped(砍) a cherry tree?
    6. the reason __________ he was late again is that he was caught in the traffic jam.
    7. this is the boy __________ father just now spoke on the stage.
    8. i often think of the days __________ i stayed with my colleagues __________ all gave me much help.
    9. the teacher by __________ i have been taught painting turned out to be a judge.
    10. the wwf began to work with the chinese government  __________ dr. george shaller arrived in china on panda project.
          stand for, have an effect on, thanks to, in danger, work with, on   
          the increase, increase to, struggle
    1. the number of the wild animals in this nature reserve is now         __________.
    2. the letters who __________ the world health organization.
    3. __________ the opening and reform policy, our country is becoming stronger and stronger.
    4. the death of his pet dog __________ his feelings.
    5. many kinds of animals are __________ of extinct, such as the siberian tiger and the antelope.
    6. the bird was caught in the cage __________ for freedom.
    7. persons who are easy __________ are normally have an gentle temper.
    8. after years of hard work, the number of pandas has __________ about 1,590.
    一、1. a number of brave people gave their lives to save the villagers in the flood. 2. this film is worth watching a second time. 3. since you have been working hard, you needn’t be concerned about the result of the exam. 4. as we all know, pandas feed on bamboo.     5. at present, we must focus our attention on the protection of the antelopes.
    二、1. that 2. where 3. which / that 4. as 5. where 6. why 7. whose 8. when; who 9. whom 10. when
    三、1. on the increase 2. stand for 3. thanks to 4. had / has a great effect on 5. in danger 6. struggling   7. to work with  8. increased to
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