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2020届高考英语Units 13~14 The water planet知识点复习教案

发表于 2021-1-22 18:44:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
units 13~14 the water planet
              freedom fighters
1.nuclear science should be developed to ________the people rather than harm them.
a.benefit  b.contribute  c.protect  d.affect
解析:benefit sb.“对某人有益”。
2.for more than 20 years, we’ve been supporting educational programs that ________ from
kindergartens to colleges.
a.spread  b.move  c.shift  d.range
解析:range from...to...“范围从……到……”。
3.when i opened the door, i found my father sitting in his chair, completely ________ a
a.absorbing in  b.absorbed in  c.absorbing to  d.absorbed to
解析:此处absorbed in作伴随状语,意为“专心于”。
4.the teacher asked a difficult question, but ted, finally, managed to ________ a good answer.
a.put up with  b.keep up with  c.come up with  d.go through with
解析:come up with“提出,提供”“想出”。
5.we regret to inform you that there are no tickets ________ for friday’s performance.
a.available  b.spare  c.convenient  d.affordable
6.some plants are very ________to light;they prefer the shade.
a.sensible  b.sensitive  c.suitable  d.acceptable
解析:be sensitive to“对……反应敏感”。
7.—where was it ________ the road accident happened yesterday?
—in front of the market.
a.when  b.that  c.which  d.how
解析:此处用了it was...that...强调句型。
8.this is your last chance.you may as well ________ full advantage of it.
a.make  b.get  c.take  d.have
解析:take advantage of “利用,使用”。

9.before the operation, the doctor ________ the nurse to be careful.
a.kept  b.demanded  c.required  d.hoped
10.—what do you think of this piece of wood?
—i’m sure it ________ a very good shelf.
a.will make  b.is making  c.is made  d.can be made
human relations
——by marion williams
a boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage.they were a loving couple and you can imagine how excited they were.certainly the boy was __1__ as the apple of their eyes.
one morning,the husband saw a medicine bottle __2__.as he was late for work,he asked his wife to cap the bottle and __3__.the mother,who was busy in the kitchen,__4__ the matter.the boy playfully went to the medicine bottle,was __5__ with its color,and drank it all.it __6__ to be a poisonous medicine __7__ adults in small dosages.when the child showed signs of poisoning,the mother took him to the hospital,__8__ he died.the mother was stunned(使昏迷).she was too __9__ to face her husband.when the __10__ father came to the hospital and saw the dead child,he __11__ his wife and uttered just four words.共3页,当前第1页123
  • 2020届高考英语Units 13~14 The water planet知识点复习教案
    the husband just said “__12__”
    the husband was indeed __13__ in human relationships.the child was dead.he could __14__ be brought back to life.there was no __15__ in finding fault with the mother.__16__,if only he had taken time to keep the bottle in the cupboard or other place,this would not have happened.no one is __17__.she had also lost her only child.what she needed at that moment was consolation(安慰,慰藉) and __18__ from the husband.that was what he gave her.
    if everyone can look at life with this kind of perspective(观点),there would be much fewer problems in the world.sometimes we spend time in asking who is __19__ or who is to blame,whether in a relationship,in a job or with the people we know.by this way we __20__ some warmth in human relationships.
    1.a.treated  b.thought  c.ignored  d.abandoned
    2.a.shut  b.close  c.bare  d.open
    3.a.put it aside  b.set it aside  c.put it away  d.leave it alone
    4.a.completely forgetting      b.wholly terrified
    c.totally forgot            d.absolutely remembered
    5.a.satisfied  b.fascinated  c.puzzled  d.calmed
    6.a.happened  b.seemed  c.appeared  d.uttered
    7.a.stood for  b.made for  c.meant for  d.called for
    8.a.when  b.then  c.but  d.where
    9.a.ashamed  b.frightened  c.annoyed  d.worried
    10.a.awful  b.angry  c.distraught  d.patient
    11.a.looked at  b.stared at  c.glared at  d.amazed at
    12.a.i hate you,now.           b.how do you do?
    c.how did this happen?      d.i love you,darling.
    13.a.an idiot  b.a genius  c.a success  d.an evil
    14.a.never  b.seldom  c.even  d.once
    15.a.wonder  b.point  c.pleasure  d.worry
    16.a.therefore  b.otherwise  c.besides  d.however
    17.a.to blame  b.to be blamed  c.to be accused  d.to be noticed
    18.a.explanation  b.courage  c.excuse  d.sympathy
    19.a.suitable  b.believable  c.accessible  d.responsible
    20.a.make out  b.look out  c.stand out  d.miss out
    i was six when i joined my father and two brothers at sunrise in the hayfields of eufaula,oklahoma.by the time i was eight i was helping dad fix up low-income rent properties.he gave me a penny for every nail i pulled out of old boards.共3页,当前第2页123
  • 2020届高考英语Units 13~14 The water planet知识点复习教案
    i got my first real job,at jm’s restaurant in town,when i was 12.my main responsibilities were cleaning tables and washing dishes,but sometimes i helped cook.
    every day after school i would head to jm’s and work until ten.on saturdays i worked from two until eleven.at that age it was unlucky going to work and watching my friends run off to swim or play.i didn’t necessarily like work,but i love what working allowed me to have.because of my job i was always the one buying when my friends and i went to the local bar tastee freez.this made me proud.
    word that i was honest and hard-working got around town.a local clothing store offered credit to me although i was only in the seventh grade.i immediately charged a 68 sports coat and a 22 pair of trousers.i was making only 65 cents an hour,and i was already 90 in debt!so i learned early the danger of easy credit.i paid it off as soon as i could.
    my first job taught me discipline,responsibility and brought me a level of personal satisfaction few of my friends had experienced.as my father,who worked three jobs,once told me,“if you understand sacrifice and commitment,there are not many things in life you can’t have.”how right he was!
    1.when the author was a child,he was made to help his father work because ________.
    a.the nestaurant was short for hands
    b.his family belonged to the low-income group
    c.he wanted to earn some money
    d.he was stronger than his two brothers
    2.at the age of 12,the author got a job at a restaurant and often worked till late at night
    a.he liked that work
    b.he didn’t like playing
    c.he was hard-working
    d.he felt rewarded by doing that work
    3.when the author was in the seventh grade,he was in debt because ________.
    a.he did not work any more
    b.he bought clothes on credit
    c.he was charged too much for the sports coat
    d.he made little money at that time
    4.what does the author want to tell the readers by this text?
    a.if you know sacrifice and responsibility,you can have many things in life.
    b.children from poor families usually have a very unhappy childhood.
    c.children could be made to work and earn some money by themselves.
    d.you will learn discipline and responsibility by working early in life.
  • 2020届高考英语Units 13~14 The water planet知识点复习教案
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