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发表于 2021-1-22 09:42:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  before 的反义词是:
  later: 在后
  ] 全球发音 跟读 口语练习prep. 在…之前,先于
  adv. 以前;在前
  conj. 在…以前;在…之前
  Before Class 上课前 ; 课前 ; 上课之前 ; 做好课前
  Before service 售前服务 ; 售前办事
  than before 比以前 ; 前比
  1.PREP If something happens before a particular date, time, or event, it happens earlier than that date, time, or event. 在 (某日、某时、某事件) 以前
  例:Annie was born a few weeks before Christmas.
  2.Before World War II, women were not recruited as intelligence officers.
  3.CONJ If a particular situation has to happen before something else happens, this situation must happen or exist in order for the other thing to happen. 在 (某事发生) 之前 (另一情况必须发生)
  例:There was additional work to be done before all the troops would be ready.
  4.PREP If you do one thing before doing something else, you do it earlier than the other thing. 在 (做某事) 之前
  例:He spent his early life in Sri Lanka before moving to Canada.
  5.CONJ If there is a period of time or if several things are done before something happens, it takes that amount of time or effort for this thing to happen. 经过 (一段时间或努力) 才
  例:It was some time before the door opened in response to his ring.
  beforehand 的反义词是 middle
  beforehand 的反义词是 middle , late
  • before相关词语的反义词有什么
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