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4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)2019-2020学年学生双语报九年级X版第41期A版测试题答案中考冲刺测试题(五)4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)听力原文及参考答案4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)听力原文4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)I. 听对话,根据所听内容选出相应图片。对话读一遍。4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)1. M: Let's go bike riding this afternoon.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)W: It's too tiring. Let's listen to some music.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)2. W: Guess what! I met my old friend Jack in New York!4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: Really? I haven't seen him for a year!4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)3. M: Were you cooking when the fire happened?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)W: No, I was having coffee with friends.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)4. W: Your uncle is a pilot, right?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: He used to be a pilot, but now he teaches English in a middle school.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)5. W: I wonder whom this football belongs to.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: Oh, it's mine. And this black cap is Linda's.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)II. 听对话和问题,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。对话和问题读一遍。4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)6. W: How was the football match yesterday afternoon?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: How do I know? I was too busy with my homework to watch any matches!4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)Q: What did the boy do yesterday afternoon?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)7. W: Did you buy the blue sweater last Sunday?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: I wanted to, but my mum didn't like the colour or the style.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)Q: Why didn't the boy buy the blue sweater?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)8. M: Look! This is a famous painting by Picasso.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)W: How excellent! Let me read the text below it.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)Q: Where are the two speakers?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)9. W: Look! What a nice house! I wonder whom it belongs to.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: It used to be Sam's, but his cousin bought it last year.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)Q: Whom does the house belong to?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)10. W: You have so many good friends in this school, Mike.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: Thanks, Maggie. But when I first came here, I had no one to talk to.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)Q: How might the boy feel when he first came to this school?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)III. 听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: I was late for work this morning.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)W: I'm sorry to hear that. Your boss Mr. White must be very angry with you.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: Yes, but when he knew about the reason, he understood me.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)W: Really? Why were you late? Did you get up late?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: Of course not. The smog was so heavy that I couldn't drive fast.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)W: Oh, smog again! The air quality is getting worse in your town.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: I'm afraid so. People should do something to make a difference.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)W: I agree, but what can we do?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: I think the most important thing is to drive less and take the public transportation or ride bikes more.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: Hi, Lily, where are you going?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)W: I'm going to the library. I need to find a magazine there.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: Is it a recent magazine or a magazine that came out over a year ago?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)W: It came out in October, 2015. Why do you ask like that?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: Well, I went to look for an old magazine last month and I was told old magazines and recent ones are on different floors. Recent magazines are on the first floor.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)W: And where are the magazines more than a year old? On the second floor?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: No. You have to go upstairs one more floor. Anyway, it's not easy to find an old magazine. Good luck.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)W: Henry, do you have time now? I mean if you can help me look for it?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: I'd like to, but I can't. I have to meet my teacher at 3:30. There are just twenty minutes left.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)W: Why will you go to meet your teacher? To talk about your school paper?4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)M: No. He wants to talk about our new project with us. I must leave now. Bye.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)W: Bye.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)IV. 听材料,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。材料读两遍。4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)(W) Diana isn't happy these days because she is having some problems with her parents. First, she wants to spend more time on her hobby — dancing, but her mum doesn't agree. Her mum says if she dances too much, she'll fail in her exams. Then, she wants to choose her own clothes, but her mum doesn't agree, either. She thinks teenagers should listen to their parents' advice on choosing clothes. Next, she wants to hang out with friends on Saturday nights, but her father says she can't stay out at night and that it's not safe. Finally, her parents often read her diaries without letting her know. She wants to have her private room, but they say they do that for her own good. She has talked with them about the problems but it's no use. She wants to turn to her teacher for help.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)参考答案4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)听力部分4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)I. 1-5 ACBAC4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)II. 6-10 BACBC4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)III. 11-15 CACAB4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)IV. 16-20 BCCAC4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)选做题(One possible version)4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)16. opinions       17. hobby4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)18. parents'     19. safe4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)20. diaries4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)笔试部分 (One possible version选择题除外)4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)I.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)21-25 ADBDB   26-30 CDCCB4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)II.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)31-35 BACAD   36-40 BBCAD4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)III.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)41-45 DCBAD    46-50 ACBDC4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)51-55 DBCAC4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)IV.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)56. save money   57. shopping list4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)58. run out of    59. put it down4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)60. never use4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)V.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)61. available    62. sweet4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)63. progress    64. ourselves4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)65. solve4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)VI.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)66. Did; go anywhere special4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)67. has had; since; ago4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)68. not so serious as4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)69. There used to be4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)70. Would; mind not smoking4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)VII.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)71. possible   72. difference4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)73. play       74. examples4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)75. boil     76. completely4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)77. as          78. catch4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)79. If          80. convenient4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)81. to          82. be4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)83. one       84. that4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)85. than4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)VIII.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)How to protect4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)ourselves in our daily lives4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)As we know, safety is the most important to all of us. So we must learn how to protect ourselves from danger in our daily lives. Here are my suggestions.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)First, on the way to and back from school, we must pay special attention to the traffic. Before we cross the road, we must look left and right. Second, when we are at home or at school, we must use electricity safely. Third, we shouldn't talk with strangers in quiet places or open the door for them when we are alone at home. Chatting with strangers by QQ or WeChat is not advised. Fourth, don't go to swim or skate in the lake. Finally, never go out alone at night, especially for girls.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)In a word, only when we pay much attention to safety at any time can we always keep safe and live happily.4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)【书面表达写作指导】4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)本篇作文要求写一篇短文介绍怎样在日常生活中保护自己。写作时,首先说明安全的重要性;其次从交通、用电、人际交往等方面进行详细的介绍;最后,首尾呼应,重申安全的重要性。人称以第一人称为主。时态以一般现在时为主。写作中可能用到的词(组):pay attention to, traffic, electricity, stranger, go out alone;句型:In a word, only when we ...等。4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)第41期A4版选做题Keys:4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)阅读理解1-5 CBADA4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)第41期A1版Keys: 封面故事 1. F 2. T4DQ师哈哈(biiyy.com)

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