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NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)英语辅导报2018-2019高二上海牛津版第17期答案Unit6 随堂练习(二):NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)Section A Vocabulary:NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)I.1.survived 2. released 3.retained 4.converts5. migrateNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅱ.1-5 DCAAANbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅲ. 1. ever since 2. manage to put out 3. be convertedintoNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)4. land on 5. as long as 6. dreams of 7. similar toNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)8. come true 9. in many ways 10. a large amount ofNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)IV. 1. Ever since I was young, I have dreamed of goinginto the modeling busineseNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)2. As soon as the film was released, it was violentlyattacked.NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)3. It clearedup at last after it had been raining for a whole week.NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)4.The balloon floating in the air belongs to the crying little boy.NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)5. It is very difficult for a person who lacks selfconfidence to survive the keen/ fierce bitter/ strong competition.NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)Section B Grammar:NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)I.1-4 ACDB 5-8 BAADNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅱ. 1. had been; would have enjoyed 2. were; would be NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)3. had started; wouldn't have been caughtNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)4. were to/should rain; should /wouldNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)5. wouldn't have succeeded;hadn't helpedNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅲ. 1. Had; had 2. Should: be 3. Had: comeNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)4. If I were you 5. If he were to leave todayNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)新题型专练(十七):NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)Chinese au pairs have become very popular in American Childcare in recent years. Americans look for au pairs for different reasons. However, experts believe that mastering Chinese requests continual learning Therefore, American demand for au pairs will rise in the next few years.NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)Try Internet for a Partner: 1-3 BCBNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)阅读训练(十七):NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)Passage A: 1-5 KIAJH 6-10 CDEFGNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)1Passage B: 1-4 DBBCNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)1Passage C: 1-4 FDBANbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)S2A Uni6(Ⅱ)同步测试题参考答案与解析NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)第I卷NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)I.Listening ComprehensionNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)1-5 BAAAB 6-10 CBABC 11-15 BCABA 16-20 DAABDNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅱ. Grammar and VocabularyNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)21. called 22. is projected 23. above 24. where 25. suchNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)26. soaring 27. can 28 to offer 29 have flown 30.itNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)31-35 DKEHA 36-40 JBGCINbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅲ. Reading ComprehensionNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)41.B。咖啡会使人精神和心情“明朗”,故选B。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)42.A。根据下文“事实上,甚至有些人觉得自己做错了事”,可知此处要表达的是:大多数人在喝咖啡的时候,不相信这种饮料会对身体有益,故选A。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)43.D。根据句意“事实上,有些人会觉得自己在犯错误,他们相信咖啡对身体有害”,可知句子前后为因果关系,此处只有 sInce可引导原因状语从句。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)44.C。四个选项中 purchase意为“购买”; cherish意为“珍惜”; promote意为“促进”。结合句意可知本题选C.NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)45.B。空格所在句的意思是:这些抗氧化剂物质负责消灭自由基, be responsible for为固定用法,意为“对负责”。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)46.A。四个选项中 ensure意为“确保”;assume“承担”; threat意为意为“威胁”; indicate意为“指示”结合句意可知本题选A。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)47.A。空格所在句的意思是:咖啡因在心理上的作用也不能被……。四个选项中 Ignore意为“忽视”;abandon意为“遗弃”; delete意为“删除”; cancel意为“取消”,结合句意可知本题选ANbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)48.C。四个选项中 attractive意为“吸引人的”;attentive意为“注意的”; alert意为“警惕的”;approachable意为“平易近人的;可接近的”结合句意可知本题选C。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)49.C。四个选项中 Incompetent意为“没有能力的”;guilty意为“内疚的”; depressed意为“使沮丧,使压抑”; embarrassed意为“尴尬的”。or前后的两个词应该形式相近,且意思相近,or后的词overwhelmed意为“受打击”,根据近义词复现原则本题选CNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)50.C四个选项中 doubtful意为“可疑的”; unk意为“未知的”impossible意为“不可能的”;impropera意为“不适当的”结合句意可知本题选C。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)51.B。上一段说到了咖啡因可以改变人的心情,本段又说到咖啡因可以刺激人的创造力,可见此处需要填一个表示承上启下作用的词, in addition意为“另外”符合题意。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)52.D。句意为“这就是咖啡常和作家和其他脑力劳动者联系起来的原因”, be associated with意为“与…有关”。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)53.B。 tend to解释为“往往,易于”NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)54.D。此处表达“咖啡不像苏打水和酒一样,它们可以使人更健康”NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)55.D。最后作者给读者一句忠告,喝咖啡要适量,回应原文第二段首句。 in moderation为固定用法,意为“适当地”。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)56.B。根据第二段第一句可知。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)57.A。根据第四段可知。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)58.C。根据第七段第三句可知。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)59.C。根据最后一段第一句可知。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)60.A。根据第一段第一句可知。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)61.D。根据第三段第二句可知。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)62.B。根据第四段可知。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)63.B。根据第一段第一句可知,一般人不可能影响到汽车工业,而根据第二句话的but可知农业和工业是不同的,接下来就介绍了农业不同于工业的地方。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)64.D。根据第二段第二句可以看出,新农具的发明使得工作效率提高,使得小农民可以跟大农场竞争,再根据第二段最后一句可知他们的价格更优惠,产品更新鲜使得农民更有优势NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)65.C。根据第四段第一句可知,新农民面临的最大挑NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)战是无法获得公民身份,因此不能建设自己的农场NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)66.A。根据最后一段第二句可知,NYFC需要广泛的支持,包括要求议会增加农田保护,推动移民改革,探寻政策确保不同背景的新农民的成功等,所以为了保证农业经济的可持续发展农民需要寻求NYFC以外的很多方面的支持。NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)67—70BCEFNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)IV. Summary WritingNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)Women's lives have undergone profound changesIn comparison to the past, they nurture fewer children and are spared of burdens of caring for their children Therefore, work gains priority in women's lives, fueling the rise in their economic position. In result. a new relationship in marriage emerges, with the parents making joint efforts to finance the family.NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)第Ⅱ卷NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅰ. TranslationNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)1. Scientists named the newly -built lunar station after the first Chinese astronautNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)2. If plants introduced from the earth can survive on Mars, carbon dioxide can be converted into oxygen.NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)3. All the research workers have been working hard day and night for the past few years, leading to the successful launching of the man-made satellite.NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)4. Although there is no life-sign on Mars, people's dream of living and working on Mars will come true one day.NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)Ⅱ. Guided WritingNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)View on Space ExplorationCurrently, many countries have invested a lot of money and energy in space exploration. They fired a billions of dollars in space exploration.NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)We can benefit a lot from space exploration. Firstof all, it has produced thousands of useful products that help to improve our economy, productivity and lifestyle, strengthening the overall national strength. Second taking the lead in space exploration can make the people nouud and increase their sense of belonging to the country. What's more, space exploration makes us understand the outer environment, construction of atmosphere and the regular pattern of stars.NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)We shouldn't ignore the disadvantages of space exploration, though it really has so many advantages. If a country wants to make progress in space exploration, it must invest a lot of manpower and resourees, which is not something that ordinary developing countries canNbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)afford.NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)As far as I am concerned, no country should blindly engage in space exploration without considering its national conditions. They are supposed to decide whether or not to conduct space exploration after carefully considering the pros and cons of space exploration. Only in this way can we make the most appropriate decision for our own country.NbW师哈哈(biiyy.com)

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