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372师哈哈(biiyy.com)2019-2020学年学生双语报高一W版广东专版第33期测试题答案第33期测试题参考答案372师哈哈(biiyy.com)1-5 BABBC         6-10 ABCDC372师哈哈(biiyy.com)11-15 CCADC       16-20 AEFDG372师哈哈(biiyy.com)21-25 CBBAD       26-30 BCDBA    31-35 ADBAD372师哈哈(biiyy.com)36-45 (One possible version)372师哈哈(biiyy.com)36. are          37. its372师哈哈(biiyy.com)38. was created     39. that / which372师哈哈(biiyy.com)40. to make         41. changes372师哈哈(biiyy.com)42. Unfortunately   43. traditional372师哈哈(biiyy.com)44. However      45. from372师哈哈(biiyy.com)写作 (One Possible Version:)372师哈哈(biiyy.com)第一节372师哈哈(biiyy.com)Dear Amy,372师哈哈(biiyy.com)At your request, I'm writing to share the changes in my hometown in the last few years with you.372师哈哈(biiyy.com)Firstly, several highways have been built, so we can travel to other places more easily and faster. Secondly, some new parks have been opened for the convenience of citizens to relax in their spare time. Besides, numerous plants have been planted everywhere, making our environment greener and more beautiful. All in all, we are living a more comfortable and enjoyable life than ever before.372师哈哈(biiyy.com)I hope you can visit here one day.372师哈哈(biiyy.com)Yours,372师哈哈(biiyy.com)Li Hua372师哈哈(biiyy.com)第二节372师哈哈(biiyy.com)Paragraph 1:372师哈哈(biiyy.com)Suddenly, an idea came to me. Since it was so cold, I could use my money to buy the young woman a cup of coffee. I expected it would help her keep warm, or at least make her feel less cold. I bought the biggest cup of coffee I could get. I was a little bit uneasy at first, not knowing how she would react to this gesture, or whether she liked coffee.372师哈哈(biiyy.com)Paragraph 2:372师哈哈(biiyy.com)As I exited the store, I presented her with the warm drink. And I said, “Here, I thought you might need this. Maybe it will make you a little bit comfortable.” She was surprised to see the drink. She started crying and said, “Thank you so much. It was the best gift I got before Christmas.” Then she hugged me. Her reaction told me I did the right thing. And she taught me that sometimes small kindness can make a big difference to a person.372师哈哈(biiyy.com)听力练习33参考答案372师哈哈(biiyy.com)1-5 BCCBB    6-10 CABCB        11-15 CBABB372师哈哈(biiyy.com)16-20 (One possible version)372师哈哈(biiyy.com)16. strict       17. Free      18. different       19. homework 20. enjoyable372师哈哈(biiyy.com)第33期测试题部分答案解析372师哈哈(biiyy.com)阅读理解372师哈哈(biiyy.com)A372师哈哈(biiyy.com)导语:本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了一座冰激凌博物馆的相关情况。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)1. B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段The Museum of Ice Cream has built its first location ... its tickets sold out within five days.可知,冰激凌博物馆首次开业就大受欢迎。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)2. A。细节理解题。根据文章第四段makes taking photos so popular ... tend to take many photos ... owe their success to the Museum of Ice Cream.可知,冰激凌博物馆掀起了拍照的潮流。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)3. B。细节理解题。根据文章第五段... dreamed of swimming in the sea of chocolate when she was a child. “It's all about fun, and feeling like a kid again...可知,Maryellis Bunn设计糖果池为了让人们重温儿时的乐趣。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)B372师哈哈(biiyy.com)导语:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了一个男孩如何转变想法,学会用积极的态度去看待事物。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)4. B。 细节理解题。第一段的... anytime you wish to feel grateful and positive, change your ‘I have to' mind into ‘I get to'可知,第一段为下文Oliver转变自己看法做了铺垫,提供了背景信息。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)5. C。推断理解题。根据第二段... the sky became dark ... It's going to rain soon. If only I could stay at home to have a rest.可推断,因为天气差,Oliver不太愿意去上课。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)6. A。词义猜测题。根据第四段In the past, he just thought that he taught English for earning money. After changing minds, he realized that he could give others a hand可知,Oliver之前忽视了帮助学生提高英语的荣光。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)7. B。观点态度题。根据最后一段... is the key to change my attitude and my mood. It makes me pay attention to bright side of things and ...可知,Oliver认为“I get to”的观点具有指导性。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)C372师哈哈(biiyy.com)导语:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了非洲的植物面临灭绝的危险。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)8. C。细节理解题。根据第一段... a third of plants in tropical Africa are in danger ... become endangered in the near future ... potentially threatened plant species live.可知,非洲的植物面临着灭绝的危险。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)9. D。推理判断题。根据第二段... only 10 percent of plants have been assessed for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ... this quick method can just get initial conclusions ... the international community can give a hand.可推断,国际社会对非洲的植物物种的评估不足。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)10. C。推理判断题。根据第三段... would be problematic. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air, release oxygen, and provide protection and food for ... would have knock-on effects, ... tropical Africa are important to us ...可推断,第三段主要强调不同植物物种的重要性。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)11. C。细节理解题。根据最后一段... this situation will be enlarged by the effects of climate change, which is the important reason influencing extinction risk in Africa.可知,保护非洲植物与气候变化有很密切的关系。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)D372师哈哈(biiyy.com)导语:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了印度计划使用机器人代替清洁工清理城市下水道。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)12. C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段... without protective devices and barely any clothes ... before the toxic chemicals and gas overcome them ... lose consciousness seconds after ... often leads to his death.可知,在印度清理下水道的工作很危险。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)13. A。推理判断题。根据文章第三段... even if the Bandicoot still needs some improvements, it would completely replace the manual cleaners in a few years.可推断,将有很大可能使用机器人清洁工。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)14. D。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段... makes up for the loss of jobs among the Valmiki ... get dirty every day, and now they will not ... no worry that the toxic chemicals and gas would harm the robot.可知,机器人清洁工在多方面对人类清洁工有利。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)15. C。主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了印度计划使用机器人代替清洁工清理城市下水道。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)七选五372师哈哈(biiyy.com)导语:本文是一篇记叙文。一位妈妈决定在光明节的每个晚上都给儿子准备一份礼物,但是随着儿子长大,儿子的要求越来越难以满足,这让妈妈十分困扰。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)16. A。此空设于段尾,与上一句是并列关系。作为一个小孩子,作者的儿子没有特别要求什么,“并且”他喜欢他收到的任何东西。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)17. E。此空设于段中,与下面几句是解释关系。作者准备的礼物似乎不能让儿子开心,“因为”他要求这个,要求那个。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)18. F。此空设于段首,是一个主旨句。本段主要讲述了今年光明节儿子的过分要求,所以作者说,今年的光明节传统失控了。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)19. D。此空设于段中,与上一句是递进关系。光明节是每天晚上点一只蜡烛,“更是”为自己的文化感到自豪。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)20. G。此空设于段中,与上一句是转折关系。尽管有一个需求不断增长的孩子是一件很有挑战性的事情,“但是”作者会尽力说服他改变主意。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)完形填空372师哈哈(biiyy.com)导语:本文是一篇记叙文。一位老人到一个乡间小屋里躲雨,期间主人邀请这位老人吃了一餐饭,结果这餐饭彻底地改变了主人儿子的命运。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)21. C。根据下文by two coconut trees可知,Ahmad躺在由两棵椰子树“支撑”的网上。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)22. B。根据语境可知,“尽管”Ahmad最近在帮父母照料农场,但是他做好准备独自生活。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)23. B。根据下文on his own可知,Ahmad做好“独自”生活的准备。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)24. A。根据下文he decided to cut it into pieces and make it one dish可知,Ahmad对头上的肿块感到非常“气恼”。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)25. D。根据上文a strange old man可知,这位老人是一个陌生人,因此老人向Ahmad“解释”。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)26. B。根据上文the only shelter和语境可知,“放眼看去”那位老人只看见了这一所房屋。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)27. C。根据下文his food was boiling and quickly rushed to the kitchen可知,Ahmad突然“想起”还在烹饪的食物。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)28. D。根据下文After dinner, the old man said可知,老人“同意”吃一些饭菜。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)29. B。根据下文he was in charge of finding the best cooks和asked Ahmad to attend it可知,老人认为这餐饭是他吃过的“最好吃的”饭菜。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)30. A。根据下文he won first place可知,将有一个“比赛”。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)31. A。根据上文he was in charge of finding the best cooks和下文asked Ahmad to attend it可知,老人负责找到最好的厨师,并“邀请”他们参赛。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)32. D。根据下文asked Ahmad to attend it可知,老人“真诚地”邀请Ahmad。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)33. B。根据上文Afraid of losing face可知,Ahmad害怕丢人,因此想“拒绝”老人的好意。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)34. A。根据下文the result is far beyond our expectation可知,让Ahmad“吃惊”的是,他赢得了第一名。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)35. D。根据上文可知,Ahmad通过这件事认识到当“机会”来临时,我们要紧紧抓住它。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)语法填空372师哈哈(biiyy.com)导语:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了可口可乐品牌的发展历程。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)36. are。考查主谓一致。there be句型属于倒装句,本句的主语是products,故填are。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)37. its。考查代词。根据语境可知,此处表示“它的可乐饮料”,故用形容词性的物主代词its。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)38. was created。考查动词的时态和语态。根据句义可知,此事发生在过去,故用一般过去时,又因为create与It之间是动宾关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was created。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)39. that / which。考查定语从句。此句为定语从句,从句中缺少主语,且先行词coca wine为物,因此引导词应为that / which。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)40. to make。考查非谓语动词。根据It is + adj.+ to do sth可知,此处It为形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)41. changes。考查名词。根据空格前面的some可知这里需要填名词复数形式。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)42. Unfortunately。考查副词。此处需要副词作状语,修饰整个句子。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)43. traditional。考查形容词。此处需要形容词traditional修饰名词drink。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)44. However。考查连接副词。根据语境可知,前后两句是转折关系,故填However。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)45. from。考查介词。remove from意为“去掉”,故填from。372师哈哈(biiyy.com)

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