深秋的旷野 发表于 2021-5-29 10:22:20


Chapter F

深秋的旷野 发表于 2021-5-29 11:10:38

fabricate v. to make up; to invent fancifully or falsely 编造,构陷
  从Weinstein丑闻之后,美国媒体上的性骚扰everywhere,还掀起了一个叫“me too”的运动。刚才看新闻,有三位老年女性站出来说川普曾经性骚扰她们:一位说川普当时打量她像是在打量一块肉;一位说川普曾拉着她的手狂吻;还有一位说当时和川普在飞机上邻座,被他摸了。川普发推,气愤地反驳:通俄门不成立了,现在又捏造出这些故事来。Fake news!在这则推文里,他就用到这个词fabricate,还用了collusion 这个C-单词。
  facade n. the front of a building ; false appearance 建筑物的正面;表面
  She was nice behind her aggressive fa?ade.
  facet n. side or aspect 侧面,方面
  You need to take every facet of the problem into consideration.
  facetious adj. joking; humorous; witty 幽默诙谐的
  The teacher’s facetious remarks always had the exuberant effect; all his students loved him.
  The guru answered facetiously,“把妆卸了,素面对人!”
  facile adj. superficial; effortless, easily accomplished; articulate
  There was no facile cure for the trauma.
  facilitate 简单词
  facsimile n. a copy or reproduction, replica 副本,传真
  facsimile apparatus
  simile 比喻,和metaphor, personification等是英语中最常用的修辞手法(literature devices)之一。
  faction n. the smaller like-minded group派系,小集团
  factious adj. 派系的

深秋的旷野 发表于 2021-5-29 12:42:51

factotum n. a person/servant who does everything 什么活都干的人

深秋的旷野 发表于 2021-5-29 14:17:32

Morning, this world!

深秋的旷野 发表于 2021-5-29 14:42:18

fallacious adj. misleading; based on little information and/or unsound resources骗人的,谬误的
  fallacy n. error; misleading argument, false belief谬论;谬误
  fallacious theory/argument/assumption/reasoning
  fallible adj. liable to make errors or fail 易犯错的
  As a human, I’m not perfect; I’m fallible.
  fallow adj. plowed but not sowed, plowed but left to rest or to become mellow; uncultivated 耕过但未播种的;未耕过的;有潜力但未利用过的
  a fallow market

深秋的旷野 发表于 2021-5-29 15:01:37

fanatic n. enthusiast; fancier
  fanatical adj. full of enthusiasm 狂热的,入迷的
  If you read my posts carefully, you would find I am fanatical about interpreting poems.
  farce n. 闹剧,滑稽剧
  farcical adj. ridiculous, ludicrous荒唐可笑的
  The case has a farcical ending. The police found the young girl, who disappeared and was supposed to commit suicide, eloped with one old man.

深秋的旷野 发表于 2021-5-29 15:38:22

fastidious adj. fussy; very, very attentive to detail; hard to please 挑剔的,苛求的
  贾岛was a fastidious writer. “二句三年得,一吟双泪流。”还有他的推敲故事——他原本用不着so fastidious:你去拜访朋友,当然需要敲门;深更半夜的,你的朋友可能正在meditation,也可能在酣睡,你突然推门而入,失礼啊。当然在这个故事中,两位诗人惺惺相惜,成就了文学史上的一段佳话。贾岛的诗绝大多数都是五言诗,与七言比起来,五言诗对遣词造句的能力要求更高。贾岛骑着驴子,心不在焉,冲撞了高官韩愈的仪仗队,no wonder! 那是个璀璨的年代,空气中都弥漫着诗歌的味道。朝廷成就,民间疾苦,战乱分离,爱情友情,塞外江南,春夏秋冬,一草一木,一粥一饭,皆可入诗。
  “‘推’好,还是‘敲’好,on earth?
  Cannot agree more.”
  我有个朋友是个fastidious dresser,随时准备接见外宾:衣服总是一丝不苟,皮鞋光可鉴人,头发纹丝不乱、油光铮亮——苍蝇落在上面,打个滚就恨恨地飞走了。
  He looked vexed, and suggested the kitchen as a more suitable place for him. Mrs. Linton eyed him with a droll expression—half angry, half laughing at his FASTIDIOUSNESS.
  ‘No,’ she added, after a while; ‘I cannot sit in the kitchen. Set two tables here, Ellen: one for your master and Miss Isabella, being gentry; the other for Heathcliff and myself, being of the lower orders. Will that please you, dear? Or must I have a fire lighted elsewhere? If so, give directions. I’ll run down and secure my guest. I’m afraid the joy is too great to be real!’
  Heathcliff 消失多年后归来,如何接待他,Linton和Catherine争执起来。
  half angry, half laughing at his fastidiousness:一半是愤怒,一半是嘲笑他的苛刻。
  下一段的“Will that please you, dear?”与这词有着关系。

深秋的旷野 发表于 2021-5-29 16:40:25

fathom v. to comprehend; to uncover 理解,探寻 n. 6 feet 英寻
  归来后的Heathcliff was mysterious; his facial expression was unfathomable.
  fatuous adj. fatheaded, foolish, silly, idiotic, inane…
  fawn n. a young deer 幼鹿 v. to grovel, yield, submit 巴结,讨好,卑躬屈膝
  fawning adj. gaining favors by using flattery; acting like a sycophant, a toady; flattering; catering 奉承的,巴结的
  I cannot bear the fawning colleagues in my working place; they always fawn over the boss. So, I quit.
  ‘Keep your eft’s fingers off; and move, or I’ll kick you!’ cried Heathcliff, brutally repulsing her. ‘I’d rather be hugged by a snake. How the devil can you dream of FAWNING on me? I detest you!’
  He shrugged his shoulders: shook himself, indeed, as if his flesh crept with aversion; and thrust back his chair;
  How the devil can you dream of fawning on me? I detest you! 你他妈的怎么会想到巴结我?我对你痛恨至极!

深秋的旷野 发表于 2021-5-29 17:13:44

  faux pas n. an awkward social mistake; social blunder 失礼
  在禁止吸烟处喷云吐雾,不仅违反了法律法规,you have committed a faux pas.

深秋的旷野 发表于 2021-5-29 17:54:27

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