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牛津小学英语1A Unit 7 My family 第二课时教案

发表于 2021-1-22 19:19:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2、 学生已经学过了一些基本的用语,如“this is a/an…”、“that’s a…”等,以及“he’s/she’s…”等一些口语。
1、本节课是unit 7 的第二课时,本教学设计适应小学英语一年级起点的学生。
2、本节课的教学设计是以学生的日常生活为题材,包括了“father, mother, me, sister”等学生异常熟悉、易于接受的课题,遵循思想性、趣味性、灵活开放性等原则,采用探究式、发现式的学习方法,促使学生拓展视野,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。
1.  listening: listen and identify the key words.
2.  speaking: pronounce the words properly.
3. communicating: use nouns to identify objects.
1.master the pronunciation of the new words.
2.use the patterns to solute the tasks.
3.use the words in daily life.
cassette player, cassette,photos
family pictures and the individual pictures.
step1. greetings
step2. free talk
t: how are you?
s: fine thank you.
t: how many rubbers?
s: … rubbers.
t: ok. give me a rubber, please.
t: how old are you?
s: i’m …years old.
t: what’s this?
s: it’s a ….
t: is this a …?
s: no, it’s a ….
t: what can you see?
s: i can see ….
t: what can you do?
s: i can (dance , read ,draw ,sing…)
t: can you sing a song ‘eye and ear’? (放音乐)
s: yes, eye and ear….
step3. revision
t: who is he/she?  ss: he/she is….(先请全体学生回答;再请个别;小组比赛答对最多的组加星)
step4. presentation
t: now, we can say ‘mother, father, sister, me” but it’s not enough. so let’s learn some new family members.
a   read and act
t: let’s read these words.(1、全面跟读 2、逐句朗读 3、选自己喜欢的句子读 4、与原音比较读得好的给予鼓励5、重点纠正)
b   learn the new words(brother   sister)
1. 点击课件出示brother所在的句子,反复跟读比较
2. 课件出示brother单词,指名读,正音
3. 点击课件出示sister所在的句子,反复跟读比较
4. 课件出示sister单词,指名读,正音
t: it’s a happy time now! let’s some
game 1: show me your pictures
t: do as my odder! show me your brother’s/sister’s pictures!
t: play in pairs just like me.(同桌互动)
  • 牛津小学英语1A Unit 7 My family 第二课时教案
    game 2: talk about the picture
    t: look at my family picture. this is my sister/ father/ mother! who can introduce your family picture like that?
    1. 个别学生说,起榜样作用
    2. 小组活动,互帮互助
    game 3: ask and answer
    用who is he/she?  he/she is….的问答形式活动
    for example:
    t: (指着一名学生的照片问)who is she?
    s: she is my sister.
    step6. consolidation
    father  mother
    brother mesister
    2.have a rest“sing a song”
    step7. homework
    a   draw your family
    b   read the page34~35
    牛津小学英语1a unit 7 my family 第二课时教案 来自师哈哈网。  共2页,当前第2页12
  • 牛津小学英语1A Unit 7 My family 第二课时教案
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