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《My day》ReadingPPT课件









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《My day》ReadingPPT课件
第一部分内容:Let's review!
1. What does she do at school in the morning?
2. What time do they begin to have lessons?
3. What’s her favourite subject?
4. Does she have any friends at school?
5. What do they do after class?
6. Do they have many lessons in the afternoon?
7. What do they often do in the afternoon?
8. How does Millie like her school?
... ... ...
《My day》PPT,第二部分内容:Let's learn!
Millie goes to school from Monday to Friday.
The school starts at eight in the morning.
The school starts at eight on Monday morning.
从……到…… from … to …
在早晨 in the morning
在中午 in the afternoon
在晚上 in the evening
在早晨/中午/晚上 用介词 ___
在某天的早/中/晚 用介词 ___
... ... ...
《My day》PPT,第三部分内容:Let's check!
1. 我爸爸总是在晚上七点到七点半收看联播。
My father always watches the news
2. 周一上午我们不做广播操。
We don’t ___________________________.
3. 你在和米莉以互发电子邮件的方式聊天吗?
Are you _________ Millie by _______________?
4. 放学后,基蒂通常先去舞蹈俱乐部练跳舞。
________________, Kitty usually ____________
_________________ the Dancing Club _______.
5. 瞧!我的同学们正在操场上开心地玩耍。
Look! My classmates _____________________.
... ... ...
《My day》PPT,第四部分内容:Homework
1. Practise talking about your own or someone else’s school life with your classmates.
2. Remember the useful phrases and sentence structures.
3. Finish the exercises of Unit 4 in the workbook.
关键词:牛津译林版七年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,《My day》PPT下载,.PPT格式;
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