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发表于 2021-3-11 06:28:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Shade summer vacation will go very quickly on thursday on august 25, term begins namely next. a during careful after-thought summer vacation a past, very happy still. although this summer vacation is busy, also did not go over there, but i had felt very much to enrich.
  i acquired a lot of knowledge, understood a lot of reason, also played a lot of game. when spending birthday very happy also. go to friend【暑假作文大全】 home playing very gladly also. anyhow, in this summer vacation, i learned not only, and recreation.
  next is the study life of 6 grade, will be faced with exam of enter a higher school at the same time. i can make arduous efforts certainly, strive for the middle school that can check on one to compare ideal. hey! play well a few days again to moment!

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