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The numbers教学设计

发表于 2021-1-22 19:16:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.能听懂、会说英文数字number thirteen to number twenty
2.听懂、会说purple,pink, white, orange.
3. 熟练地听懂、会说句子:here’s a ……和this is a ……
1.能听懂、会说英文数字number thirteen to number twenty
2.听懂、会说purple,pink, white, orange.
step 1 :warming-up
step 2: presentation(呈现)
1. 教数字单词
t:look at the makers . weiwei wants to count the makers.can you help him?
t:let’s count. (到13之后要放慢语速,板书13到20)
t: follow me.,thirteen↗↘……(出示单词卡,照单词卡片读)
t: six后面加teen 就是sixteen, (引导学生seven加teen就是seventeen……,说一个就板书一个数字)
(2)play a game----.指数字游戏,
2. 教颜色单词
(1).t: eyes on the makers. can you tell me what is it ?
t: yes,it’s a green maker,green↗↘.
(出示、板书this is a 句型,先用学生已经学过的颜色单词问,让学生回答正确后建立自信心,再用同样的方法教其他颜色的单词)
(2)t: let’s play a pass game.
step 4: consolidation(巩固性操练)
step 5:读课文
step 6:activity book
  • The numbers教学设计
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