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Unit  6  Was it in&nbs

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unit  6  was it in the wardrobe?
teaching content:
part  b
teaching aims:
1.tell the children to do some housework at home.
2.can listen and say the new words of part b.
knowledge :near the sofa   beside a lamp  a ring  on top of   look for  guess who   was it in the wardrobe?   yes, it was. / no, it wasn't.
teaching emphasis and difficulties:
near the sofa   a sofa  beside a lamp  a ring  on top of   look for
guess who   was it in the wardrobe?  yes, it was. / no, it wasn't.
teaching aids :
pictures , cards, recorder, tape , computer.
teaching methods:
1.direct method.
2.audio-lingual method.
teaching procedures:
step 1 lead in
1.greetings .
2.warm up:
1. 师声问候。
2. sing the song i have a table .
step 2 presentation
1.出示b部分的单词和短语的图片和单词卡片:  near the sofa   a sofa
beside a lamp  a ring  on top of   look for  guess who教学新单词。
2.quick response :
show the pictures and new words of the new knowledge and have the children say them as quick as possible .
3.have the children listen and read part b.
4. ask and answer with the sentence pattern “was it in the wardrobe?  yes, it was. / no, it wasn't.”
step 3 practice
1.a game: patting flies(拍苍蝇)
2.a game :the police catch the thief .
3.play a game : guessing game with pictures.
step 4 consolidation
1.listen to the tape and read part b.
2.copy the new words and phrases .
3.homework :
read part b and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .
5. sum up:
5.homework :
read part b and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .
blackboard design:
unit  6  was it in the wardrobe?
near the sofa   beside a lamp  a ring  
on top of   look for     guess who  
   was it in the wardrobe?  
   yes, it was. / no, it wasn't.
unit  6  was it in the wardrobe?
teaching content:
part  a
teaching aims:
1.tell the children help their parents do something..
2.can listen and say the sentences of part a.
knowledge :where was my ring? here it is.   was it in the wardrobe?  yes, it was. / no, it wasn't.共3页,当前第1页123
  • Unit  6  Was it in the wardrobe?
    teaching emphasis and difficulties:
    1.where was my ring? here it is.   was it in the wardrobe?  yes, it was. / no, it wasn't.
    2.perform the dialogue of part a.
    teaching aids :
    pictures , cards, recorder, tape  .
    teaching methods:
    1.tasks teaching method.
    2.audio-lingual method.
    3.communicative method.
    teaching procedures:
    step 1 lead in
    1.greetings .
    2.warm up:
    1. 师声问候。
    2.free talk:
    t:i was at the office just now.  where were you?
    3.a game: 名探福耳摩斯
    t: where was the bag /ball/…?
    s: it was on /under/…the desk/chair/…
    step 2 presentation
    1.游戏—— quick response (快速反应)
    t: great! he/ she is no.1, the first.
    2.教学单词和句型:where was my ring?  was it in the wardrobe?  yes, it was. / no, it wasn't.
    4.listen to part a 、b and read after the tape.
    step 3 practice
    1.read and perform part a.
    2. ask and answer with the sentence pattern.
    step 4 consolidation
    1. read and perform part a.
    2.sum up: 对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生说的欲望。
    3.homework :
    read part a and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .
    make some sentences with the sentence pattern.
    blackboard design:
    unit  6  was it in the wardrobe?
       where was my ring?
       here it is.
       was it in the wardrobe?  
       yes, it was. / no, it wasn't.
    period 3
    teaching aims:
    1.enable the ss retell the text;
    2.enable the ss finish part d and part e.
    3.tell the children to study hard.
    teaching emphasis
       enable the ss finish part d and part e.
    teaching difficulties:
    there are some new words in the ex.
    teaching tools:
    tape, recorder, vcd
    teaching methods:
    1. tasks approach
    2.audio-lingual method.
    3. communicative method.
    teaching steps:
    step 1 warming up
    1. greetings.
    2. read part a together.
    3. ask 2 ss to retell the text.
    step 2 presentation and drill
    1. t: now please finish part d:
      long long ago, there was a bridge .there was a car on the bridge . and under the bridge there was a rock…
    help the children to understand the words:rock ,stone, snail ,ant , flea.
    2.listen and read part d . then answer the question: where is the flea?
    3. check the answer.
    step 3 practice
    ask and answer:
    1. where was the flea ?  it was on the boy.
    2. where was the ant?  it was under the snail.
    3. where was the snail?  it was under the stone.共3页,当前第2页123
  • Unit  6  Was it in the wardrobe?
    4. where was the stone? it was under the rock.
    5. where was the car?  it was on the bridge.
    step 4 consolidation
    1.do ex. workbook unit 6.
    3.homework. revise unit 6.
    unit  7  when is your  birthday?
    teaching content:
    part  b
    teaching aims:
    1.tell the children to cherish time.
    2.can listen and say the new words of part b.
    knowledge :children’s day  christmas  month  january----december
    teaching emphasis and difficulties:
    children’s day  christmas  month  january----december
    teaching aids :
    pictures , cards, recorder, tape , computer.
    teaching methods:
    1.direct method.
    2.audio-lingual method.
    teaching procedures:
    step 1 lead in
    1.greetings .
    2.warm up:
    1. 师声问候。
    2.a game-----dragon game
    t: today is monday.
    s1: yesterday was sunday.  today is thursday.
    s2:yesterday was wednesday.  today is saturday.

    step 2 presentation
    1.出示b部分的单词和短语的图片和单词卡片: children’s day  christmas  month  january  february  march  april  may  june  july  august  september  october  november   december教学新单词。
    2.quick response :
    show the pictures and new words of the new knowledge and have the children say them as quick as possible .
    3.have the children listen and read part b.
    4. ask and answer with the sentence pattern “when’s your birthday? january/  february / march/…”
    step 3 practice
    1.a game: patting flies(拍苍蝇)
    2.a game :the police catch the thief .
    3.play a game : guessing game with pictures.
    step 4 consolidation
    1.listen to the tape and read part b.
    2.copy the new words and phrases .
    3.homework :
    read part b and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .
    6. sum up:
    5.homework :
    read part b and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .
    blackboard design:
    unit  7  when is your  birthday?
    children’s day  christmas  month
                        january  february  march  april
                        may  june  july  august  september
                        october  november   december
  • Unit  6  Was it in the wardrobe?
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