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The Tang Poems教案

The Tang Poems教案(精选2篇)
The Tang Poems教案 篇1  module 6 book viii
  the tang poems
  教 学
  目 标 1. get ss to learn about the tang poems, including the image, mood, rhyme, rhythm, subject, effect of a poem.
  2. get ss to learn to talk about a poem.
  重 点 analyse and talk about a poem.
  教 学
  过 程 step1. warm up
  1. do you like chinese ancient poems?
  2. what poems are the most famous in ancient china?
  3. who can you first think of on mentioning the tang poems?
  4. can you give some examples of their poems?
  step 2. show some pictures of the three famous tang poets, and get the ss to guess who they are.
  step3. read the poem a tranquil night and answer the questions
  ? who wrote the poem?
  ? what’s the topic/subject of the poem?
  ? what’s the mood of the poem?
  ? what images can you find in it?
  ? what’s the rhyming stile of the poem?
  step4. match the words of factors of tang poems and their meanings.
  step5. listen to a poem and answer the questions.
  1. what’s the poem about?
  2. how is the friend to travel?
  step6. read the poem farewell to a friend by li bai and finish the following task.
  1. try to translate it into chinese.
  2. choose correct answers
  3. fill in the blanks
  step7. appreciation
  a collection of english translation of tang poems
The Tang Poems教案 篇2  module 6 book viii
  the tang poems
  reading and vocabulary
  教 学
  目 标1. get ss to learn about the tang dynasty -the golden age of chinese poetry
  2. get ss to learn about the famous poets in tang dynasty, including li bai, du fu, du mu, bai juyi etc.
  重 点 1. describe a dynasty .
  2. talk about famous poets.
  教 学
  过 程 step1. pre-reading
  1. show a map and get ss to guess which dynasty it is .
  2. get ss to find out the silk road in the map.
  3. show some pictures and get ss to learn something about the emperor, the exciting culture, tang poems and some famous poets of tang dynasty.
  4. listen to the passageandmatch the paragraphs with the titles                           
  step2. while reading
  read the passage &answer the questions
  1. how long did the tang dynasty last?
  2. what were the benefits of trade with foreign countries?
  3. name three advances in science and technology at this time.
  4. why was tang poetry so great?
  5. what was the relationship between li bai and du fu?
  6. what was the difference between the two men’s poetry?
  step 3. after reading : fill in the blanks
  step 4. language study
  1. it’s a time of expansion.
  time 意为“时期, 时代”
  ?in time of war /peace在战时/和平时期
  ?at flowering time 在开花时节
  ?the new president is spending a hard time.
  2. the invention of printing about this time meant that knowledge could be recorded and shared as never before.
  mean “意味着”,后接宾语从句或 v-ing
  missing the first bus means waiting for
  another hour.
  mean “打算,企图”,后接动词不定式。
  i’m sorry i didn’t mean to hurt you.
  3. soon japan and korea were organized on the tang model, while chinese influence extended throughout southeast asia.
  on…modal =on the modal of…
  参照…的模式, 仿照…的样子
  ?he opened a bar on the american model.
  ?now many people celebrate christmas on the model of western countries.
  4. but it was not just scientific knowledge that could now reach a wider audience. it was only in the 11th century that his poetic genius was recognised.
  it is/was…that 为强调句型
  ?it is i who am going to the great wall
  tomorrow. 是我明天要去长城(被强调部分
  ?it was not until yesterday that the little
  boy realised he was cheated.
  5. …in fact, he thought of himself as a failure.
  think of   认为;评价;想起,记起
  think of …as… 认为…是…
  ?what do you think of the concert last night?
  ?the president thought highly of his work.
  ?to tell the truth, our teacher thought little
  of you.说实话,老师对你评价不高。
  ?little children often think of what the
  teacher says as a truth.   
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